Weekly Monday Discussion #5 - Alts & Awards!

Demoknight tf2

hey guys

I really dislike vote count analysis reads and think they are overused

especially because people use it to catch me and I think that is unfair :tired_face:

So I propose change for everyone to have option to opt out from types of read you do not like

for example if u do not like being meta read u just need to say it and everyone who makes meta reads on you will count as rule breakers

and if you do not like being read based on your progression you say that you do not want to be read on it and everyone making reads based on your progression will be breaking rules

guys this is excellent can we please do this? :smiley:


I don’t want to be read off of my posts.


I have an idea for the alt problem: Allow all alts to participate in 3 games, and allow them to post anywhere (except for other games, of course) as soon as they are created, and until the end of the 3rd game.

Problem: Site admin says alts can’t post anywhere else

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That problem also raises the issues of

  • any moderator / scumbuddy / host who knows your identity cant play in those games
  • xblade is against the policy
  • I want a third point to look smart
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You just added one point, restated mine, and threw up a third bullet just because

why not just add the singular new point lmao



His third point says why… he wanted to look smart :slight_smile:


Except that implies he should also have a second point and he does not

can the answer be that I realized the bullets were unnecessary but was too far gone into the format to stop without having to do serious arduous work such as deleting what i had already written


no that’s illegal

Honestly, after alting in Umineko, I believe that alts are hurting the game much more than they’re benefitting. I was testing out a new playstyle, but my reads and I were mostly just swept over, and any potential benefit I gained from it was outweighed by the annoyance and disappointment I felt. And, faced with other alts that were introduced purely for a gimmick, it was just… annoying to deal with them, constantly.


I think we should ban alts that are solely for the purpose of some kind of gimmick or haha funny posting style

I don’t think this is the purpose of alts and I feel like it kinda takes away from the game

R.I.P. yee-claw

Also I recommend hosts have sone sort of alt cap or smn because like

Too many alts sucks peepee

But yeah I feel like too many people are making alts just to be funny and not like care if people know who they are

Which kinda defeats the purpose of alts and takes away from the game

I still think the “why is it the site’s duty to support you not wanting people to read you for being predictable” angle is the strongest here but those would be sensible limits