Weekly Monday Discussion #5 - Alts & Awards!

Welcome to the Weekly Monday Discussion!

As it’s actually Monday this time, we will be getting right to business and skipping the interview.

The following polls have public results. Do not vote if you aren’t comfortable with this.


We understand that there are many of you who express dislike for the current alt system. While we can’t make everyone happy, we would like to do our best to make sure everyone feels that their voice is heard.

1. What purpose do alts bring? Do you think alts have served the original purpose of allowing players to escape the burden of meta?

2. Should we keep alts, or remove the system?

  • Keep the alt system (with or without changes)
  • Remove the alt system

0 voters

Keep in mind: Even if we remove the alt system, we will still allow for fully-anonymous games, as well as alts for certain purposes, such as puppet accounts or hydra accounts.

3. If we keep alts, what would you change about the system?

One proposed change is to allow public alt speculation by default. Currently, it is the opposite. Would you support this change?


Awards were implemented in order to “boost morale” and incentivize people to improve, as well as reward outstanding team players with a paper plate trophy. It has come to our attention that there are some issues with this system, such as the fact that players who didn’t have a team have won.

1. What purpose do the awards bring? Do you think the Team Player Awards have served the original purpose of improving overall play, and rewarding players who deserve credit?

2. Should we keep the Team Player Awards, or remove the system?

    • Keep the award system (with or without changes)
    • Remove the award system

0 voters

3. If we keep awards, what would you change about the system?

Please keep discussion civil and constructive. Thank you!

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I’ve talked about this a bit more elsewhere but


They do not achieve that purpose.

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Idk why, but I like this

do this

Remove the awards system

do this

I already know how you feel about the alt system, but do you mind expanding on your reasoning so everyone else knows where you’re comin’ from?

I’m taking this as a yes to the question I dm’d you

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this is the step forward the forums needed

now town will finally win games, thank you mods


1:36 PM ] Chloe :

Yoyoyo Let me know when you’re around I’d like to ask you something

[ 1:42 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

what’s up

[ 1:43 PM ] Chloe :

Alright. I’ve been trying to talk the other mods into some alt rule changes, and I want your opinions. What would you change about the current system, in a perfect world? (Ignoring the fact that we are limited on a few things by Xblade)

[ 1:44 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

I mean personally I think the old “no alts” has been a better experience than my games here since alts lol

[ 1:44 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

let me think on that for a bit

[ 1:45 PM ] Chloe :

No alts is a valid opinion to have Let me know

[ 1:45 PM ] orangeandblack5 :


[ 1:45 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

I’ve had at least a few good and memorable moments with alts elsewhere

[ 1:46 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

Or maybe I’m deluding myself lol

[ 1:46 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

Memorable might be a better word than good

[ 1:46 PM ] orangeandblack5 :


[ 1:46 PM ] Chloe :

I can tell you my proposed change, if you like People were excited by the idea of alts and full-anon games. What sucks is that we’re such a small community, and it’s very easy to know who is who - especially if some people simply alt to gimmick, or they have very obv tone/grammar/whatever

[ 1:47 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

Full anon games totally fine

[ 1:47 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

No question those are 100% good imo

[ 1:47 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

The issue is that like

[ 1:47 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

Alts as currently used often do more to harm enjoyment for everyone else

[ 1:48 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

And I don’t think they really achieve their goal

[ 1:49 PM ] Chloe :

The main issue, from what I see, is that people dislike that alts can use meta on them , but regular players cant use meta on obvious alts. Which - I agree - sucks. Some people play the exact same way on their alt as they would on their main, but non-alt players have to just… ignore that So I think it should be defaulted to allowing alt speculation, rather than defaulted to not allowing it. Hosts still have discretion, but it seems like most hosts don’t realize they can change that.

[ 1:49 PM ] Chloe :

Do you think that would be a good change?

[ 1:49 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

I think that would be a good change.

[ 1:49 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

I don’t think that would be the ideal change.

[ 1:50 PM ] Chloe :

The ideal change is to just allow people to make alts/secondary accounts whenever without guidelines like these Or not allow alts at all Trying to come up with a middleground is difficult

[ 1:51 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

Like speculating that Bill Nye is probably katze doesn’t do anything to the fact that I’m still having to jump through more hoops to actually read their posts Speculating that Santa might be Alice (something I didn’t do but) doesn’t do anything to the fact that you could be wrong and then are misreading a player for essentially ogi reasons

[ 1:51 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

Not being able to meta people who are using meta on you is only one frustrating aspect of the issue that alts introduce ogi elements in a way that is explicitly linked to the game

[ 1:51 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

And getting rid of the rule talking about that is a good step

[ 1:51 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

in reducing that frustration

[ 1:51 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

but like

[ 1:52 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

it doesn’t solve the problem

[ 1:52 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

Let me ask you a counter question

[ 1:52 PM ] Chloe :

Ahhhhh I see where you’re coming from

[ 1:52 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

What is the purpose of alts

[ 1:52 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

What is the benefit

[ 1:54 PM ] Chloe :

The main purpose of alts was to play games without being able to be burdened by metareads. Which is fair, and would be pretty much negated with this rule shift But it’s become more of a… game? Recently. People seem to play on alts so they can start fresh, or “be someone else” Players who are usually memey can be serious without being scumread for it, or vice versa But there are just so many issues with having a small playerbase, limits on how secondary accounts can work under i42, etc I’m going off on a tangent so i’ll stop here

[ 1:55 PM ] orangeandblack5 :


[ 1:55 PM ] Chloe :


[ 1:55 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

Are you familiar with REM

[ 1:56 PM ] Chloe :

My favorite soolit

[ 1:56 PM ] Chloe :


[ 1:56 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

Who is REM

[ 1:56 PM ] Chloe :


[ 1:56 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

Why is REM

[ 1:56 PM ] Chloe :

I don’t know why REM happened

[ 1:56 PM ] orangeandblack5 :


[ 1:56 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

This is important

[ 1:56 PM ] Chloe :

iirc, sulit wanted to take a game seriously, and people treated her like a scary experienced player

[ 1:57 PM ] orangeandblack5 :


[ 1:57 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

Actually the opposite basically?

[ 1:57 PM ] Chloe :


[ 1:57 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

sulit felt burdened by meta on Hypixel and was starting to feel the same way here

[ 1:57 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

So she created that account on CD under a completely different name to avoid having that happen

[ 1:57 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

That is how you play without meta.

[ 1:58 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

The idea you could escape meta on a site like this just by changing your name is honestly kinda laughable. If you truly want that, it’s much more effective to just go play somewhere else.

[ 1:58 PM ] Chloe :

You might be right about that tbh

[ 1:58 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

It doesn’t have to be permanent and you can connect the two together later but if the goal is escaping meta, that is the solution.

[ 1:59 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

So if that’s not a problem alts really solve, what do they do?

[ 1:59 PM ] Chloe :


[ 1:59 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

That’s kinda where I think I am

[ 1:59 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

They don’t really have any benefits I can think of

[ 1:59 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

But they cause frustration and introduce ogi elements to games

[ 2:00 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

So unless somebody thinks of a way to cut the downsides and also add at least one benefit

[ 2:00 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

I’m kinda leaning away from keeping them around

[ 2:00 PM ] Chloe :

Think it would be beneficial to do a weekly monday discussion? Heh, its actually monday

[ 2:00 PM ] orangeandblack5 :


[ 2:00 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

Up to you

[ 2:01 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

But I think it’s worth asking the question

[ 2:01 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

“What benefit do alts actually bring?”

[ 2:01 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

with the idea that escaping meta is not an actual benefit

[ 2:01 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

of alting

[ 2:01 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

because it’s not and it’s significantly less so if we enable alt spec

[ 2:02 PM ] Chloe :

I’ve been dming people individually about this, but it might be a good idea to bring this to a public setting so everyone can pitch in

[ 2:02 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

but chloe I’m the only one whose opinion is correct

[ 2:02 PM ] Chloe :


[ 2:02 PM ] Chloe :

Then you can debate the people who are wrong

[ 2:02 PM ] orangeandblack5 :


[ 2:03 PM ] orangeandblack5 :

if they stick around I call alting for the invitational

[ 2:03 PM ] Chloe :

Oh that’s kinda gamer Too bad alts arent allowed for it :^)

[ 2:04 PM ] orangeandblack5 :


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The way I’m seeing alts at the moment is like ina. Real time strategy game, you have a FOW effect protecting your pieces but everyone else have it revealed.

It’s unfair


It’s not even the meta thing that annoys me tbh

It’s just the sheer amount of alts

Like in Umineko there was like 4


Of course meta thing is weh too

DM leeks pog champ

I will additionally leak that I said

basically exactly this



I have something I need to do for the next like 3 hours straight but I think this is a good thing tm

(I mean one of them was part of the setup but yeah)

I think alts will die down as hype eventually

we are still in a wave of everyone wanting to like, try one out

like a new player joins a game

I shouldn’t have to automatically assume it’s an alt and someone I already know

Also gimmicks

Stop doing gimmicks god just play normally


So my question to everyone who is currently here, is:

If we reverse the alt speculation rule, and allow for public speculation - what purpose do alts serve? Do they still allow you to escape the burden of meta?

These questions aren’t indicative of my opinion on the matter. I just want to spark some conversation.

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There was the time that Alice was obviously alice on an alt and we couldn’t discuss that in scumchat for reasons.

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  • Introduce OGI to games
  • Increase likelihood a town player is intentionally obscuring what they are trying to convey
  • Lead to interactions where one side knows more about the other than the other knows about them
  • Add confusion to new/less experienced players
  • Can lead to players using gimmicks that are frustrating to others
  • Force all reads on their slot to be predicated on an assumption about their character that could be wrong

All of this for not solving the stated problem they are supposed to solve.

I mean they could help you escape that burdern. But just like Jurassic Park

“You spent so long asking if it could be done, you never stopped to ask if you should.”


If the goal is to play without the burden of metareads

Playing another game with the same 15 people here isn’t going to do that

Just changing your name isn’t going to do that

Alts aren’t going to do that

If that was really your goal you’d make a new account somewhere else.