Weekly Monday Discussion #7 - Moderation

imagine wanting to host on MU

valid, its all preference after all

just the first vanilla setup i saw :eyes:

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The mods have stated that they are against this. They are worried that this stops newbies from getting the award

…isn’t this done in practice already ._.

Clearly, annual award for best self vote and AtEer


annual awards with categories
“best meme”

i didn’t really know where to put this but
how come the guy that just got banned has -1 topic created
did he hack into the site and delete a random thread (lol)


Lets not forget best logs.
Sadly they weren’t a thing in SFoL 64.

Annual best hacker award goes to this guy clearly


Imo Isabel_Savage should have been considered for scum MVP for helping the Possessor win.

Do I get best Miller award for SFOL 64


Stop being a miller 4Head.

would it make more sense to set a minimum number of game signups in the queues that they’re forced to miss instead of a length of time? idk if this is actually a good suggestion but it’s just something that came to mind

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Now that I thought about it, irregularity and sometimes lack of intervention extends to the reviewing process.
And that should be fixed.

One of the reasons I resigned from reviewing games was because the head reviewer was passing games like SFoL 65 (Day 1 MyLo, King being eliminated fo being king cause lol setup, day converts, lack of spreadsheet, etc.) because they “didn’t care to review it”.

This brings the question of why was I trying to get actually good games pass the review if the person responsible for the queue just didn’t care about it and passed whatever.

I wonder for open setups like SFOLs is it better to have like a thing where multiple people can comment and analyze the setup rather than 1 person

honestly I think more than one person should’ve reviewed that game because the setup was so wacky. (not like town didn’t win, but it was still very scumsided as a setup and could’ve ended very differently if the roles had been randed differently tbh)


Town had to be on point to win that game and a few of the scum accidentally outed themselves.

One would be enough.
But one which doesn’t say afterwards that they passed it without review cause they didn’t care.


If no one noticed that scum could’ve gained majority with EK with just one mislonch, I’m pretty sure I could’ve survived day 1

that’s why I thought more than one would be good… to keep each other in check

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