What about an entire class based on the old Rebound ability?

Remember old Mercenary could attack someone who voted against his contract?

What if there were some class that was fueled not only by getting accused and voted against, but also by being attacked, poisoned, and bled?

If he were an NK he could gain “rage” points to spend on cool abilities, but this concept could also be applied to a Blue Dragon and converted class.

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Like this?

A NK that got more powerful the more he was trialed would be counter-intuitive, though. The entire point of trials and executions is to be BD’s primary method of removing evils, so that’s just penalizing good play.

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prehaps like The avenger a post made earlier?
made bye Scl007

The Avenger

Blue dragon killer


Unending vengeance
Immune to most occupation and redirection if you kill a member of the blue dragon you will commit suicide

Day ability 1 avenge target a dead player you will kill their kill tonight (1 use) cannot be used until day 5

Night ability 1 stalk if your target kills someone tonight attack them (3 uses)

Night ability 2 rebound if you die tonight kill your killer bypass death immunity healing and tornado (2 uses)

The vengeance

Unseen killer

Passives unending vengeance
Immune to most occupation and redirection

Night ability 1 backstab if Target player visets someone you choose cause them to start bleeding causing them to die in one day (3 uses)

Night ability 2 revenge if the Assassin is killed tonight kill their killer (does not work with prince) (2 uses)

Both of these are unique

only a bit of this and a bit of berseker prehaps?

Hey that’s exactly the kind of thing I was thinking, and yeah you’re right about it being a bad idea for him to get buffed by being voted.

I don’t think it’s balanced for a BD class, seems like it would make more sense for a reworked Mercenary.

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Call it the Barbarian


not mine as it said created by Scl007 i cant claim credit for it its just the first thing that came to my mind when reading this

No I mean any class that gets rage points or whatever

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