work in progress
- The Alcoholic (Offensive)
- The Aristocrat (Social)
- The Assassin (Killer)
- The Duchess (Investigative)
- The Enforcer (Support)
- The Herbalist (Offensive)
- The Illusionist (Social)
- The King (Random) (Special)
- The Mastermind (Special)
- The Marshal (Investigative)
- The Nightwatch (Investigative)
- The Poacher (Offensive)
- The Sage (Offensive)
- The Servant (Offensive)
0 voters
Blue Dragon
- The Butler (Offensive)
- The Court Wizard (Support)
- The Drunk (Offensive)
- The Hunter (Killer)
- The King (Random) (Special)
- The Knight (Killer)
- The Mystic (Social)
- The Noble (Social)
- The Observer (Investigative)
- The Paladin (Investigative)
- The Physician (Support)
- The Prince (Killer)
- The Princess (Investigative)
- The Sheriff (Investigative)
0 voters