Why we need more interaction with the dead

I’m not saying the dead should have nearly as much power as the living. I’m talking about minor abilities.


but still, even simple communication abilities after dead, means that there is less reason to communicate during life.

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worse than that, direct motive to not do so. When you are alive, you always have the potential of being converted… When you are dead, is when you are 100% sure of your final side, and thus can safely bring down the unseen without worrying about joining the side you just doomed.

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Dead men tell no tales. Communcation with the dead is enough.

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I’d like to say I’m not proposing extra dead communication classes. Call of the Dead is more than sufficient for that end.

I suppose I’m talking about things like Death Knights, or other ideas like them.

You have your Undead faction

Even if that was added it would only be 1/3 of games.

  1. I’m not a fan


  1. I don’t think this is going to happen anytime soon


  1. In fact, I’d rather see these abilities removed

Rename it to chat reviewer.

Problem solved.

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I don’t get the reasoning for removing them. Call of the Dead and Reanimate are interesting abilities, and also help keep players engaged. Even if we don’t add more, I see no benefit to removing them, and harm in it. We shouldn’t make players more likely to quit after dying.

Let me explain why the dead should stay dead, ESPECIALLY in ToL. Here, we have NKs that have their most powerful ability involve swapping bodies and killing people, so they can instantly be called out by a Psychic, last messages which should be more than enough to get your info to the living. If you’re killed the night you find an Unseen as Sherrif, you shouldn’t be rewarded with a saftey net of ‘there there, now get your info to the psychic and everything will be fine’ .

Reading xblade’s banner post at the top of the page should reveal that there are plans to make retention to the game while dead no longer completely neccecary. We keep the death-guessing minigames, but sever the ties ot the dead otherwise.

The only time I’m willing to add a ‘talk to the dead’ mechanic is in a flipless game, and even then in only a very limited manner. Throne of Lies is far from that, so we should remove Call The Dead.

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Would like to say, it would work for a hardcore/veteran group, people who can actually and properly socially deduce, but there’s a lot of casuals here, and quoting @Ellie, we have to think about more people than just ourselves

It is exactly for the casuals we should do it this way: No interaction with the dead at all. And no penalty for leaving game after death on the other side, because that would no longer be necessary.
Because… a good number of casuals simply want to leave after death, and actually do so(despite it harming their team and giving them no reward).

eyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Regicide :stuck_out_tongue:

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I disagree with op with every single fibre of my being.

I’m fairly sure a flap of skin on your left pinky agrees with the OP.

I would have to say no to this, on the basis it would severely impact NK and in some instances Cult/Unseen.

For example, the biggest impact would be Possessor, as already if there is a Psychic in game, it negates one of their abilities, at least until the Psychic is dead.

This would also impact Reaper, and of course if Unseen/Cult killed a Sheriff/Paladin on the night they were checking, they’d still easily be able to share that information without the need of a Psychic.

btw read these numbers lol

a simple solution to this is to make all dead appear as anonymous to the psychic or the psychic

its that simple. that way unseen are still in the game, even when they are dead.

lol you nerco’d it back to life xd

now I did too…

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