Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!


why do you think Seth voting Mole makes him town as a doomed slot?

donā€™t wanna jinx myself but i donā€™t see why scum would kill an inexperienced slot first night lol. apologies for clogging the threat with ITA theories i just wanted to get them clarified in my mind

they wouldnā€™t

Iā€™m sad for we are losing Vulgard.

I have mixed feelings on Ashā€™s readlists. For one, I think, standalone, it is pretty good, makes opinions on everyone and backs them up, however I feel like it falls far short of his normal readlists.

Clonedā€™s wall seems to be made of mostly information, and very little actual analysis, and seems to leave lots of stuff open-ended.

cloned get back here and answer this

Ok, so I went back and reread your ISO. Somethings that stuck out to me was how you kinda also played on the sidelines like Mole. You were more active, but you just posted material that are more concerned with ā€œThis means that, and that means this.ā€ Its like you just chipped in here and there, but I supposed that is because you were making your large readlist.

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you think Vulgard is a top nightkill candidate? if so iā€™d have to sadly agree. unless they wanted to leave him alone for awhile to throw suspicion on him power wolfing? maybe iā€™m putting too much WIFOM into this now

This. Especially not to hop on a wagon your previous lynch target is on when thereā€™s a larger wagon on someone that theyā€™re defending. If Yee Claw thought I was wolf, heā€™d say that heā€™d switch to Surge, not Insanity. What this says about Surge and Insanityā€™s alignments Iā€™m not sure

yet though.

Whatā€™s so bad about the wording?

As for ITAs, weā€™re not going to start shooting unti;l weā€™ve worked out a shotlist that everyone can agree on. To quote what someone in Insurgency said, anyone who shoots before we all decide on a shotlist will have all guns trained on them. I donā€™t even care if itā€™s a member of the towncore who does the shooting.

Also, can we apply a bit more pressure for lowposters to get on? I apologize if there are things they are doing that are very important. Itā€™s just that around 3 of them, I just noticed gorta too, have barely posted content for me to analyze

I donā€™t like the wording because it makes it sound like youā€™re doing it with absolute knowledge of the results, and youā€™re only doing it so you look good.

let me use the restroom ):<

I probably shouldā€™ve put an ā€œonlyā€ in there
I havenā€™t read Mole just yet so I donā€™t know how they acted
But based only on what Seth has been claiming I think that Mole has a greater chance of being town


I think I like this progression.

I donā€™t think it reflects the full story ofc, but I can see how you came to that conclusion.

ā€¦I donā€™t like how you said your actions aimed to ā€œproduce results that villagers wantā€
which is just
like arenā€™t you a villager

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but if you think Seth is a caught wolf (which I think youā€™re implying lmk if Iā€™m mistaken here) why are you reading into what he does at all, especially enough to lean someone over?

letting cheese answer first but
jk theyā€™re not answering
but app yelled at them again?
okay now theyā€™re typing so Iā€™ll let them answer

Unless seth and intensify both started antispew 6 hours into D1, I donā€™t think they both counterbus mole.
like if seth scum seth doomed
mole maybe deepwolfs if they play gud
so both of them voting mole is :eyes:
and yes Iā€™ve locked seth and intensify as w/w

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Iā€™m not saying seth is caught wolf
Iā€™m saying theyā€™re a scumlean for me
again I do not wish to make any strong claims because I havenā€™t read

However regardless of sethā€™s alignment I think that mole is likely to be town
Seth often tunnels town as town
and I dont recall him bussing quite often

Hmmm, thatā€™s fair enough. I wish I knew 100% what the results would be.

Hmmm, I see what you mean there. It does sound weird when you put it that way.

Itā€™s not that itā€™s scummy or anything
Itā€™s just
from a gramatical + syntactical sense