Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

well I mean if someone is literally openwolfing then blast them if they haven’t shot

but anyone who intends to openwolf is going to shoot before/as they do so

you’re not evaluating my slot you’re just comparing stuff to my towngames which is very dodgy since they aern’t even that similar without even looking at my scumgames and then you go

“oh lol he says he is mafia as a joke thats annoying and annoying is mafia right!!”

Huh. So you are saying I’m wrong right? Obviously so?

Intensify be like.

I prefer the google translate version

that’s true, I waw him typing something,

@intensify did you have something to say or no?

maybe he’s making that long readlist he mentioned? at this point who knows

eh, not typing now :/

Cecil’s discussion with Apprentice shows how polarized Cecil is. This is not a good thing.
We have 40min until EoD?



And 2 hours

could you explain what exactly this means?
and why it’s not a good thing?

You literally read him for a “relaxed tone” (aka spamming the thread) and count of posts (aka spamming the thread). You have grown quite sure of this read when it does not have a good base.

No, I explicitly made a scumread on you three posts back that one based on your polarization and LHF PoE.

…I always slightly townread Seth? Where did you take that from?

Your cherrypicking amuses me, specially on the 100-200 posts marks reads. You quoted things from my 100-post that I had retconned with further information and used them to shed bad light on me.

Literally this. Your entire early read on PKR was that he was bussing Surge.

btw why did you think not backing down was town indicative?

Read three or so posts later? I specify that appearing out of nowhere to cast a vote is scummy on itself. However, as I can’t read PKR individually (I said it three times now), I would much rather read him by associations/VCA.

Compare him here and SFoL63.

It’s as night and day.

You are literally not bothering to evaluate my PoE and explain it why it’s all villagers and you’re just claiming that they’re LHF. You may not know this, but LHF can rand wolf as well. Also what do you mean by polarization?

Wolves don’t like unneeded conflict.

ok fair enough