Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

i suppose yeah
i have historically been really terrible at interaction analysis but maybe i should give it a shot
the problem is that both flipped wolves were fairly obvious and there’s a point where both probably went into antispew
i think seth went into antispew as soon as i wagoned him actually

I mean Seth just didn’t post for a good 50% of day 1

Then shoot me, but I don’t give a damn. I played a scum game with Centuries where he did some extremely similar stuff to what I described and I was his partner, so I semi know how S!Centuries operates. I am putting my thoughts on the market of ideas for all to see, hear, debate, and refute, so that if my idea is wrong I can be corrected. The last few times I didn’t state my opinions, as unsavory as they are, wolves escaped and got towncored.

it’s true that app’s interactions look horrible in hindsight
his push on seth looked suspiciously like a bus, and his defense of mole considering mole’s red flip is even worse
my question is whether he’d put himself in such a terrible position on purpose as a wolf
he even asked to be killed during today’s itas but… wasn’t killed
i don’t know why or how that happened but here we are

i think your read relies too much on meta

Would App hardpush on Cecil and then NK him?

Cecil was the towncore member who got the most flak from the most people

I.e easiest mislynch

which is why i think it’s very likely he gave up as soon as i pushed him and decided to fake spew a bit
and like i told you, he tried and failed to fakespew mole as town
so i can yell “HAHA IM RIGHT” even though i’ve been wrong so many times this game


I could probably do with some examples of this, but
I’ve literally been in my room with nothing but mafia and youtube
so I’ve been interjecting a lot
but also making a consious effort to not drown out the thread
and not TvT over reasonable reads I don’t agree with.

um, idk but I think this is probably the most emotion-driven I’ve been in a mafia game yet.

Like I never cuss but I did so there’s that. (Dang town idiots)
Also the snap shot on yee (not yolo tho!)

But emotion quickly turned into depresso so also that.

Anyways love to see you re-evaluating, a bunch of this just looked addressable <3

this is like sfol 63 all over again
i don’t think you’re wolfy at all
but i’m sure i have misclears so i’m trying to sort them out

that’s another issue
considering app would have tmi
he made himself look downright dreadful if he’s a wolf and i think he’s better than this

take a look at leafia for instance

i’m fine with wagoning intensify for extremely reactive play i think
i don’t remember them doing anything proactive this game at all

So, here’s where I am. If App is a wolf he hoped that Seth would clear Mole and himself and they could go deep. The frustation would be explained in that scenario. This is why I am so conflicted

Cecil wouldn’t be an easy mislynch in my opinion. It would take an Alice play to make this happen, as everyone sheeps Alice when she is scum and lets her call the shots. App didn’t have that much thread presence/influence in my opinion.

Um, idk I looked at uni’s shot on mole and it didn’t look like a [bus|w/w shot]

i keep looking at thunal and i still don’t understand the TRing she’s getting
the one thing in her favor is that she shot a wolf today
but mole was always going to die this ita phase anyway so
does this really count for much?

none of them ever go deep though
seth was everyone’s suspect
barely anyone liked mole
and app had little to no thread presence

this makes no sense as a setup for deepwolfing, or they completely screwed up

I don’t mean that he would’ve been an easy mislynch generally, just the easiest to accuse of being a deepwolf and disrupting the towncore for wolves

Because I will have been wrong if I misread Thunal and I don’t like being wrong

you were already wrong on leafia my dear
and i was wrong on many people too
we gotta re-eval