Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

And what is your read on him rn?

/vote Light

Okay the intentional fluff posting even when asked multiple times to stop is definitely not town behavior.

I mean the flushed emoji kinda indicates that

Just in general, Moleā€™s posts looks to be padding and trying to drive discussion when in reality they are playing on the sidelines. Also, I am on like post 600

I usually avoid reading PKR as he always looks scummy to me. I donā€™t know how to read him.
He is always null on my list. I rarely ever waste my time on his slot as I know Iā€™m always going to scumread him regardless of the game.

So I apologize if I am going to be late to the party

Yes Iā€™ve tried highlighting text and get the actual Quote button to show. But when I click it, nothing happens.

What things?

Other reads?

whysper, universal can i ask how far you have read into the thread?

  • i meant gorta as universal has already stated so

/vote Light @Italy

I forgot to tag a host in my first vote post, so making another.

Alright, was just making sure.

Interesting how you went for the person makign lots of NAI posts instead of looking for actively scummy players.

Iā€™ve read about a third of the posts. Continuing through themā€¦

I am currently going to be running a simulation tomorrow for a project. We are not sure how long it will go, but we are looking at a time frame of 12-24 hours. Due to me being in the North American team, I am currently monitoring some procedures in preparation for the test run. Aside from that, I am also in contact with a professor, and going over some information concerning an organization he runs.

ah good to know. though iā€™d save a vote until you reach the end as chances are the threadstate and reads have changed quite a bit

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so yeah basically universal is too busy saving the world to play mafia like you nerds so cut them some slack

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But thatā€™s literally how I play town. I sideline while other leaders I trust exist and come forward more the less I trust/they all die.

Come with me here.
Do you think a wolf would have stopped noiseposting when it was clear he was annoying other people who said pretty vocally for him to stop?