this post specifically looks good for appel. given how he tends to interact with his partners, i really doubt he writes this type of post about a partner.
i’m ignoring the flipped villagers he talked to.
he seems really defensive while talking to universal. i think that might just be what we need to call universal town.
pointing out that it’s the only thing he said to whysper in his first ~50 posts.
and this is the only thing he said to wazza. post 86 in his iso. out of 188.
barely talks to trochi despite trochi being a top poster.
talks to appel more. these posts also feel w/v in hindsight.
…this is about trochi. it has incredible “wolf protecting a villager” vibes. really weird post to write about a partner. would make trochi look really bad considering his future flip.
gonna say that trochi is cleared off of this (assuming she already wasn’t).
barely talks to ash as well.
already mentioned the apprentice interaction as really weird and in line with what mole has done as wolf before.
about uni. yeah, pretty sure uni looks really good here.
uni actually looks really good here. i’m inclined to move him to the clear zone.
geyde->eevee looks better as well.
appel also looks significantly better, but she’s already in the clear zone.
there is one post of his about trochi which has huge w/v pockety vibes and is very unlikely to have been written to/about a partner. which makes trochi look better.
whysper and wazza look worse. centuries has deepwolf potential. barely has any interactions with ash, which also looks worrying.
i would be more inclined to clear sulit based on what he said to her if he wrote more than… one post to her / about her (outside of mentions in readlists).
apprentice looks notably bad, but i’ve said this already. we always kill him today with the yeet, i presume.
mole has barely interacted with most of the “non-clear” people we listed today. and that is something consistent with his past wolfgames. mole generally ignores his partners, unless interacting with them is part of a long-term scheme.
if there is a long-term scheme on his part interactions-wise, the only thing i can think of is his push on centuries, which could possibly be w/w distancing. i think centuries’ reaction to it was extremely villagery, but i have to bring this up anyway.
outside of that, i don’t really see any long-term schemes.
i would also like to point out that most wolves in general avoid interacting with each other, because they don’t want to tie themselves together. “not interacting unless it’s a part of a plan” is not uncommon among wolves, and i think most people play wolf that way.
i’m officially moving universal to the clear zone, and i think that several players in the clear zone look notably better based on what mole’s said to them throughout the game.