Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

gorta may as well not exist to mole. he has not said a single thing to him or about him the whole game.
whysper is similar. he spoke to whysper once and it was an answer to a simple, technical question whysper had asked the entire thread. nothing beyond that. little to no content about whysper, either.
wazza is also similar. mole talked to him once and it was a meaningless statement. he has barely talked about him, too.

this is literally the full extent of what mole has posted about wazza.

i am ignoring his readlists because most of his takes there were “null” or “nullscum” or “nulltown” which could be written as either alignment, and about either alignment, with trivial ease.

Do you have me muted?

apprentice would also be similar, with the exception of his random push on apprentice during the ita phase.
food for thought.

not at all, i was just doing my own analysis.
what’s up?

I would like your thoughts on this, please.

i want to say that sulit is >rand town amidst the non-clear people for the sole reason that 1. her posts are not overtly wolfy and 2. mole actually said something meaningful to her early on.

Fun Fact:

  • I made a full case on Mole and his associations, specifically with Surge and other players but I ended up throwing it out as it became more of a ‘I’m shading everyone in the game for absolutely no reason and it’s probably false anyway’

Especially in light of the fact that: 1) scumread is flipped town, 2) scumread is spewed town, 3) scumread is me

also check the post that replied to it


the random shade, yet still calling ash town feels like tmi on ash being town. nice catch.

this feels like annoyance about sulit being townread, but nothing beyond wolf distancing.

same as about sulit, except the “annoyance about being townread” part.

rule of three for the win

i can’t say i fault mole’s read on me though, i do feel like i’m exhibiting traditional “newbtown” behaviours of just being generally clueless and following the consensus

dislikes centuries.
subtly suggests that both sulit and whysper should be shot.
no reads on gorta and wazza, pretty much.

the fact he barely interacted with both sulit and whysper, and did not talk about sulit or whysper, yet still shades them and suggests shooting them makes both of them look slightly better. just a tiny bit.

Honestly, everyone should have an opinion on, well, everyone. Everyone has over 100 posts apart from Sulit, Eevee and Whysper I think

yeah, and he calls ash nulltown despite accusing him of blending in, which is something villagers never do, because that’s not their job. they don’t need to blend in at all. in fact, they shouldn’t.
mole’s reasoning does not match the conclusion. and the conclusion suggests ash town.

i think mole wanted to say something that would throw suspicion on ash without necessarily scumreading them. his choice of words, and the way the read is structured, looks and feels like tmi on ash being town.

i think i’m okay with considering ash “still clear.”

Is this accurate?

Target Votes Voters
Apprentice 2/7 ash4fun, Vulgard
Not Voting 11 Centuries, Trochidillae, an_gorta_pratai, Light, Wazza, Universal, Sulit, Whysper, eevee, Appelsiini, Apprentice


this take could be w/w, but it’s a stretch. it looks more like tmi than a clever w/w setup to me, anyway.