Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

I do not think either of us are mad at the other rn tbh.
Later, maybe.
But for now, nah.

Town can do it too so it’s NAI and you’re trying to make it look wolfy.

I am not going to go and read Leafia’s past games but I have a feeling they felt they needed to make a bold accusation to start this game off

I’m talking explicitly about later
Because I cba to read through that

Is it you or Leafy that thinks saying hi to everyone is wolfy?

‘can do it too’

Yes they can

But its more likely for wolves to do it

why are you creating a false dichotomy

Leafia somehow starting a tunnel in their first 8 posts is >rand v


I do agree with this though.

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town can do every wolfy action, mafia is a game of likelihood

what actions do players do that are more likely to be wolf or town actions

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If he shoots someone who I think is obv town and they die, I reserve the right to be a bit annoyed.
However, for now I think he is not particularly townie so I would not be surprised as such.

I’m aware of that. That’s why you’re not lockscum for me.

I do not know anything about them at this point but these align

Hi Leafia. Are you scum this game?

agree here


So you think its wolfy that I am accusing someone for doing an action that has a higher likelihood for wolves to do just because ‘town could do it too,’ Where is the thought process here

Because it’s equally likely for town and wolves to do it and maybe someone does it more often as town than as scum? Have you thought of that? What may be wolfy for one person may be NAI for someone else.

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Leafia kind of feels town but I think scumleaning more people than you’re townleaning is kind of wolfy.

But thats just factually incorrect

As I said its more lilely for wolves to enter the thread like that

No I’m not scum. I wish I was though.