Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

not like you’re gonna be able to lure them into a meeting in a very easy to defend cave twice

Besides a couple of cattle aren’t worth my life
I’ll just cut them up and sell them, buy some new calves, it was what was gonna happen to em anyway

I mean it doesn’t seem to be going too well the first time

also something something you have to avenge your fallen comrades i dunno


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this is a plothole so big i could stick my hands in it and be glad i have pockets

so it’s basically the plot of any cash grab movie

welcome to hollywood

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quick someone link red hot chili pepper’s californiacation

nvm I got it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlUKcNNmywk

who all hasn’t shot?

uh something something gorta you eevee?

ok ping me when they’ve shot

Sounds like a great idea

yeah thanks

…i can’t be the only one that thought that interaction was incredibly weird, right?

The one that just happened between Apprentice and Light? Yeah, a bit weird.

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I’ll explain it later

it’s not getting any more normal now lol
but why wait til later?

yeah when I flip town read the interaction as T/W

please don’t actually read into that interaction

gorta do the shoot thingy

I am telling you Whysper is just like she was in SFoL 63 and I hate her slot for it, but not in a scum way

My town/scum meta are very similar.

Well, I am scared to do anything too drastic because if I am wrong then all the blame is on me end game, which is something I really don’t want

you bet there is

Who are all of the PoE people again?