Wild West FM - Dead Chat

Hello Luxy
Time to repent for your sins

even compared to other games this game was
pretty bad to say the least

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It’s funny when ina poe of 6 there was one scum in it. Lol

Sure it is when you’re on the scum team.
When it’s town it is no laughing matter.

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i tried my best :<

You did well tbf

With my luck, what do you mean “When I’m on the scum team”?

I would like to apologize for some dumb stuff that I have done this FM. I probably made myself a lot scummier than I should have.

same :^} .

^ This for me too

this entire FM was a mess honestly

i think we should stop giving people conditional dayvigs


You guys weren’t wrong when you said giving town ITAs was gonna be bad… but holy crap I never imagined this bad

this could have been okay if people had actually let the townleaders townlead


something something omgus shoot the most obvious town

But what if they’re deepwolfing

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Lol. Town Itas have hit only townies