Wild West FM Signups (FULL)

I am a blue wolf irl confirmed uwu
And I have a sword or katana so I will cut through the lies.

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Pretty much. In general I support the 1-hour deadline as Iā€™ve hosted matches where daystart had to be delayed for like 10 minutes because 1 or 2 key actions get submitted in the last second.

Honestly this argument shouldnā€™t even be a thing. Youā€™re already given 23 hours to input 2 words in your role card. Thatā€™s close to an entire day and you shouldnā€™t be procrastinating like that.


Itā€™s not hard to leave a place holder action if nothing else

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I always give an actions are locked message, when I no longer accept any incoming actions shortly before daystart. Blanket rule for fairness, everyone gets the same amount of time to submit an action. Itā€™s up the player to make that deadline or no dice. Your own fault.

Having stronger time crunches than what hosts have stipulated for themselves as a limit is just asking for moderrors. Especially in rolemadness, interactions can chain and interdependencies are not always as easy to figure out. It can also screw with flavor thatā€™s already written, but thatā€™s significantly less important.


Fair enough.

Also a fair point.

Iā€™m fine with a one-hour deadline but Iā€™m still genuinely upset at one game we played that had both a strict one-hour deadline and you couldnā€™t change your action after submitting it

So you were both encouraged to delay as long as possible before submitting and not given even a minute of leeway despite having less than the full night to submit actions

I will never ever join a game with those conditions ever again

Thatā€™s pretty much nonsensical, to do, though.

The 1-hour deadline already gives a lot of time to process actions alone.


I agree and was, shall we say, decidedly not happy with the hosts there

N0 redchecks are even worse

d1 check on 3 ppl, 2/3 red :^]

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ā€¦ what the fuck

Thatā€™s even worse because you can get a read on people and then check them instantly

tbf you had to get votes on all of them with no ties, so minimum 3-2-1 vc.

but also yeah that game had a lot of broken roles

I really, really want to join, but I have a few very busy days early next week. If there are still open spots Friday or maybe even Thursday, then Iā€™ll definitely sign up.


me, sitting here as literally just a ToS role

I think its time for mass pingus, but as im the alt mod i just wait for one of the hosts to do it

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AKA youā€™re lazy :^)

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u know it

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oh well thereā€™s 1 ping I promised to do

@Universal, signups open if you are interested

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