Wild West FM Signups (FULL)

if someone joins in the next 10 min I’ll in without thinking about it how does that work

I got my brother to join my own game, but he was so lost that he replaced out lol

i already tried to get my sister to join a game but she said no shes boring

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I’ll do you one better

I’ll give you the title Reader once you read every reply in a topic with more than 100 replies

Quite rare


Give me a few seconds to process this

Reminds me of Irish Anon

The host invited a friend and ended up apologizing for his play post-game :stuck_out_tongue:

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i tried to get my cat to join a game but he instead bit my forearm and ran out of the room


I believe I’m being joshed

Aight no one has joined yet, so I’m upping the deal
You get cowboy birb + cowboy doggo
Cowboy Dog

Aren’t you waiting for App’s brother to wake up though

U owe brain power the birb

He said no


hand em over

…Oh. I see

i tried to get my cat to join but she ate the corner of my laptop and stuck her face into my camera

you’re all talking about your cats
meanwhile i’ve simply drugged mine

3 more minutes and then I’ll put actual thought instead of just auto joining

Screw it

/out from backups

I felt disappointed when I thought the game was already somewhat filled, I’ll try my best to not make this a mistake

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oh it happened

Both those creatures seem menacingly dangerous to crab