Wild West Informed Spectator Chat

Opened. Sorry was sleeping. Thought I set it up to open automatically

Cleaned flip, actually bastard game.

yeah fuck I noticed that sorry lol

they used their one shot temporary janitor

Endgame today :^)

In all likelyhood, yes.

I’m guessing because it’s extra work.

This is such a trainwreck. :smile:

ash @ wazza

@discobot roll 1d100

:game_die: 23

I think comeback is still possible with one good hit.
From Appel, for example.

Wazza @ Vul

@discobot roll 1d100

:game_die: 63

I don’t see it tbh.

Like maybe they can get one more wolf… and then lose, but ultimately I don’t see town winning this.

I think it’s 5%.

appel is the only person i trust in right now

i consider it more of 18%

I’ll guess it at 1%

I mean, it’s been lolvillage, but maybe lolwolves will come into play.