Wild West Informed Spectator Chat

Town fucked

FM is about who makes more mistakes that the other

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I want blood. Gib blood pls.

@Italy in abt 5 mins iā€™ll be off for an hour or so so can you do ITAs during then

(and if italy / dat / crich arenā€™t awake iā€™ll allow emergecny spec-chat-does-ITAs)

(and yes yes orange, something something ITA phases I get it_

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on it

tbh thatā€™s only part of it

Fuck the hell yes Iā€™m in

a majority of it

if town didnā€™t suddenly go ā€œoh well guess we loseā€ they might actually be able to bounce back

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even the people that do care are not handling shots well lol

itā€™s pretty late into the game
should ask marshal if weā€™re doing night skips

The 12 hours are good for peoplesā€™ thoughts

Probably worth keeping

Night probably wonā€™t need to be skipped because game will already be over.

unanimous votes are generally unanimous

People donā€™t always act in their own best interests

i think this game already taught us that

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Well, we are laughing, yes.

Reeeee shoot a villager already I want bloooooood!

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app @ whysper

roll 1d100

(hosts are asleep i think)

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