Wild West Informed Spectator Chat


making light fun of mods

who are usually people who already use their power to hide their fragile ego

makes sense

wtf are you saying I would ever use my power in ways that arenā€™t strictly necessary

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arete v


arete lock v

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the ā€œusuallyā€ was dedicated to current FoL mods because you donā€™t seem like the power hungry type

most MU staff donā€™t give that vibe to me either

but from what I know about ToS I can absolutely see them becoming mod just to fufill a weird power fantasy because they have very little power or sway irl

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wow okay

not wrong, but

Marshal was Modkilled! He wasā€¦

Mafia Bandit

Your only abilities are your vote, your voice, and your trusty gun.

Gain parity with the town

wait what

were you mod on ToS?

Screen Shot 2020-08-27 at 7.13.26 PM

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the distinction is probably the ā€œFMā€ part

but Marshal all FM players are toxic


the gmods are mostly cool itā€™s actually just the devs that have uh

conflicts with the forum base

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this hasnā€™t happened on ToL ever so I wouldnā€™t know

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fortunately thatā€™s not an issue here on ToL :slightly_smiling_face:




we gonna hit 5000 posts arenā€™t we

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then we move to dead chat


it is a 25er

i have more posts in here than 1/2 of the players in the game have in main thread

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