Wild West Informed Spectator Chat

i have a bounty of 38k and have been sieging a port for several months
still no ship of the line
what am i doing wrong

does nobody understand what i’m talking about?

yes nobody does

The point isn’t how I died

It’s my ISO before my death

this is >>rand W on this site


Love having to tell surge to not dead post

he wanted a last will

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if someone misgenders me in-thread again can i ghostbap them

If u do it I can hostbap em

i mean if they do it,

just lmk and i can be like, hey use the right pronoun looser

you better use the gifs or its only 35% as satisfying

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the real question is
can i change my name even if im in BtM
my forum naaeeme

you can change your forum name?

mods can change people’s forum names

personally I’d be okay with changing forum names even if you’re in BtM, like, it’s a Misc

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ooh i wanna change my forum name

should i do it now in case [ongoing removed]

it’s up to you, you’re not alive in any ongoing games so it should be fine

let me know if/when you want it changed, and if so to what

Ah I hate it when [ongoing removed]