Wild West Informed Spectator Chat

Nooooo! I said shoot villager! :sob:

@discobot roll 1d100

:game_die: 59


sorry was doing smn when shot was flown

awwhhhh :confused:

Lmao that reaction is so fake.

obvious lw signal


this should be insta-ITAd


forgotten howling

Anyway, I’m going back to watching Netflix.

Ping me if a shot hits.

Appel, please lead town to at least a closer match than what it is now. :bowing_man:

centuries is being super obvious by trying to convince ash out of ITAing in mylo
since town KP is more likely to hit scum than scum KP is unless you’re playing wild west FM

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Well no shit
Here’s what he does

They ITA a town
Right before EoD, all scum blast the fuck out of someone

Then skip LyLo by quickhammering no lynch

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you can’t quickhammer
votes are reset
big nerd

As long as Ash is alive town lose so

I assumed that people don’t learn from previous mistakes

down with the patriarchy

I mean, like, technically the wolves could all out 1 hour before EoD, hope that an outting shot hits, and then hope that 2+ townspeople are asleep at EoD

but that is

really really stupid