Wild West Informed Spectator Chat

Start of game flavor

There’s been a problem plaguing the small town of Ralridge and the surrounding lands. A threat to an otherwise usually peaceful relationship between the town’s nearby ranchers and cowboys. The threat? Bandits. Them bandits has been robbing stagecoaches for a while now, and the citizens of Ralridge lived with fear in their hearts. Some of the cowboys were unconcerned, some took these bandits as a serious threat, but it all culminated when the owners of 1 ranch had had enough. See, them bandits had started shooting cattle. And as soon as cowboys tried to chase ‘em down and bring ‘em to justice, it was like 2 more popped up. Them bandits were organized, and they were threatening our livestock, and by extension, our livelihoods. The cowboys had had enough. Something had to be done.

Italy burst through the door as Marshal and Crichard were enjoying dinner and talking about the day’s events. ”I was wondering where you were,” said Marshal, “You are 15 minutes late and your food has been getting cold. What gives?”

Italy, fuming, told the group why he was late. “One of the damn bandits shot one of our cattle, a calf no less! I tried to chase him down but one of his buddies nearly shot my ear right off! That’s the 2nd dead cow this week alone. Any more and we might not even be able to afford that new fence we were planning on getting. At this rate, they are going to kill them all!”.

As he was rambling on, Marshal’s pet bird started repeating some of italy’s words. “Kill them all! Kill them all! Damn Bandits. Fence. Ear. Kill them all!”. Suddenly, an idea popped into Marshal’s head out of thin air.

“The bandits! We should kill them all! It’s the only way to keep this town and our animals safe.”

“Don’t you think that’s a little extreme?” Crichard chimed in. “We could just capture them and let the law bring them justice”

Marshal snapped back at him harshly, saying, “It’s not like they wouldn’t be hanged for their crimes anyways! We would just be speeding up the process and cutting out the middleman.”

Crichard calmly replied, “Well, whatever decision we come to, we can’t do it alone anyways. These bandits are ruthless, and they are organized. We should call a meeting with a representative from each property surrounding the great city of Ralridge and decide what course of action to take to eliminate the threat of the bandits from the area.”

So they did just that, going from door to door telling each of the ranchers to send their strongest cowboy to meet at a rock formation about 2 miles northeast of Ralridge in exactly 3 days time. When that day came, the 19 cowboys met Italy, Marshal, Crichard, and their bird next to a tall domineering cliff with a large, open, cave-like area underneath that provided shade from the blazing sun. Each cowboy went inside of the area as italy stood at the entrance, asking for them to be quiet and announcing what exactly the problem was. Before he could even ask for potential solutions, a shot rang out, striking italy in his shoulder. 5 more shots came after that one, each one striking Italy in various areas. To add insult to injury, a boulder fell down off of the cliff and crushed him before he could let any last words escape. Marshal and Crichard, in shock, fled the scene to give the town news of the ambush, with their bird flying behind them. The bandits moved in, hoping to kill the cowboys and steal all of the valuables they had on them. Upon realizing they were outnumbered, they attempted to retreat the cave area, but before they could make their escape, a commanding voice called out.

“Nobody leaves this area. If you even attempt to do so, you get shot. We are going to kill every last one of them bastards or die trying. Unfortunately, they have the same exact outfits as us. Damn the Ralridge clothing shop and it’s lack of variety. We won’t be able to visually identify who they are, but we must use our minds and our guns to figure out who these bandits are and take them out, permanently”

Day 1 has begun, and ends in 36 hours (at 2020-08-27T01:00:00Z ) or upon majority. With 25 players alive, it takes 13 players to reach majority.

why do I have the will to type this many words but haven’t started on a 500 word theo essay due tommorow at 9 am helo help

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guess i’ll die

Geyde lost access to his alt account, so we talked it ove rand I replaced him

I was right about having 1 correct wolfread.


It had to be done.

This was not TWTBAW. Huh.


Why were bandits targeting cattle?
They had nothing to eat?

Revealed Later™

Plot twist, cowboys were bad guys all along and starving the population and bandits are the rebellion.



(To be clear, this is about the fake bug)


i hope it looked natural. Tried looking into if I could find the passwoid, but tbh I dont know if I could

I told him that mods might be able to recover password and he can talk to you if he wants that

but he said he’d rather just replace the geyde account in, and as brainpower had not posted yet, even if it’s concluded he’s an alt it means basically nothing as far as alignment so I decided to go ahead

Yeah tbh chloe/arete might know how, but its not in the immediate options so im like :man_shrugging:

Hummingbird is cute

i read one ranger cecil post and i know who they are

people need to be less obvious when they alt, smh


im not gonna say yes but whos ur guess

Imagine reading past post 100.