Wild West Informed Spectator Chat

i clicked aretes post and then saw it

i donā€™t remember her name but i hear she plans to host a Super Ultra Mega Nonsensical Bastard Game whose Mechanics and Flavor make no Sense Whatsoever but for Some Fucking Reason Alice wants this Game to be a Balanced Singleball Game with no Conversions. She is Probably High as a Kite but Fuck it, what could Possibly go Wrong so May as Well Join. Plus itā€™s not Like Youā€™re Using Your Time Productively so in and Play, or in and Slank and when you Get Pushed Just Self-Vote and AtE II: Electric Boogaloo - the Return of the Mafia - the Jester Strikes Back, Much to Icibalusā€™ Chagrin


well its not me, so ur wrong

im ranger cecil

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no im ranger cecil

Iā€™m Yee-claw.

ya really love cheetos donā€™t ya

That wasnā€™t a cheeto.

yes I know

there is like a 0% chance yee-claw actually thought that was a cheeto

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i never got to see the cheeto

but yeeclaw is our savior

deadbananas isnā€™t an alt?
Iā€™m shocked.

I can DM you the ā€œcheetoā€ if you want

former player on the now deceased CDFM

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it was a funky cheeto

i donā€™t know if i want a 16 year old to DM me cheetos

Google Images > Crab Cult, one of first pictures.


thats a very cheesy cheeto

Pretty sure they are intentionally not even pretending to be someone new.



Which I guess is allowed, albeit this brings the question on the purpose of alts.

First posts were a joke that wasnā€™t meant to fool anyone.