[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

intensify mafia joat?


iā€¦ i donā€™t think listing 3 names and 1 of them flipping scum really gives you that much credit, to be honest? like marl wasnā€™t even the main one you chose

you can literally say any 3 random names and thereā€™s a decent chance at least one will be a wolf

i had the same scumread as you, but the advantage you had was that you canā€™t scumread yourself, so there was realy only one option for you and two for me

because derps scum is looking pretty viable to me, although less so than illwei and shurian

on this note, wasnā€™t it light that defended marl saying that could be how he acted normally? like even if thatā€™s true, the awkwardness didnā€™t seem like a personality thing
it seemed more like a wolfy presence in the thread
so this makes light look slightly worse (if it was him)

sorry but no
you donā€™t come to the thread in the last 5 minutes and complain about being stressed

there are no wolves in this :sunglasses:

iā€™m pretty sure no one, including you, actually said why wind was town

i would be careful here because i donā€™t remember marl explicity stating there was a wolf in eevee and maple, unless he did
it would only matter if he said kill eevee and if eevee flips v then kill maple, which iā€™m pretty sure he didnā€™t
i thought he just said if maple flipped v then kill eevee
which doesnā€™t really mean anything

yeah this is basically the issue but i still see it as more likely town

or he could have just realised that you gave a good case on marl, and if you werenā€™t going to die then marl was and he wanted to make himself appear in a better light?

it isnā€™t just TWTBAW
itā€™s the fact that the play makes less sense from a wolf than from town

how did min bus marl

on MU it might be viable
but not here

I think I get what Eevee and Maple were trying to do yesterday but Iā€™m pretty sure it was too obvious and probably caused more harm than good

I literally didnā€™t even say like anything to marl :skull:

You do when you become a wagon out of fucking nowhere.

But I did : |

I said his tone was towny and I saw the effort that was being put in the wallposts I believe.

good point lol

Iā€™m gonna have to check that. I remember someone saying that but I dont remember who.

you canā€™t say effort is AI when windward hasnā€™t had a scumgame
iā€™m pretty sure she would wallpost as scum too because itā€™d be fucking obvious if she didnā€™t

you also didnā€™t explain why the tone was towny

Didnā€™t you guys say likeā€¦ his play was scummy or something?

Or like Wind did?

it was scummy
but ignoring whether or not it appears to be scummy, what he did hurts him more as a wolf than it does as town

anyway weā€™re ignoring all the JOAT claims
like i fail to believe that maple/eevee are claiming JOAT as the last 2 scum, this just doesnā€™t happen
(same for eli and min but iā€™m pretty sure these are the real JOATs)

PoE is shurian and illwei

Fine with adding pressure to shurian

/vote shurian

I mean that argument could be abused in a lot of cases.

ā€œWe havenā€™t seen a scumgame from Wind so hard defending a scum isnā€™t AIā€

ā€œWe havenā€™t seen a scumgame from Wind so voting confirmed Joat isnā€™t suspiciousā€

These are examples

Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Illwei ArcticXI 1/7
PokemonKidRyan SirDerpsAlot 1/7
Shurian Intensify, WindwardAway, Min 3/7

the difference is, these are objectively scummy and AI, you donā€™t do this as town
my point still stands that you canā€™t say wind wallposting means she is town when she hasnā€™t been scum before
you canā€™t make that judgement

Plus I usually see effort as towny. Sure might not be the best indicator, but seeing someone actually try to make something out of very little content seems towny to me

donā€™t fall into the trap l00ser
i was in there once
then i learned how to actually read

great thing youā€™re saying this now as opposed to yesterday when wind was being wagoned