[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

it literally doesn’t matter what we say
they already know who is real based on who they targeted and who’s claim matches up

so there is no point still keeping up this act

But here’s the thing

How about the vanilla town who never knew anything about whatever happened at night

There’s going to be something different between people who don’t know and know whatever happened at night.

It’s called TMI.

but i also heavily read Intensify T so kinda doesn’t matter

scum already know who the real joats are so we should just clear up any confusion
like there is literally no point
i already know who they are but it’d be nice to know for sure

i was going to say that too but in terms of spew i think you ranked them a bit too highly

Wait what
Dont tell me everyone knows who is who except for me

I was hoping to clear more town from TMI

shurian you know who is who because you attacked eevee but min saved him

I thought it reflected positively on them
not super great just based on spew
but it didn’t look bad

clearly you didn’t know before and illwei’s posts about the situation also indicate he doesn’t think mafia were dumb here

spoiler alert
they were dumb


Aha why attack them when I can attack Light instead

The most obvious way to kill isn’t to attack eevee, he visibly TR’d me back in D1.

I would rather attack someone else and let them waste their protections or whatever they have before striking at N2

A world I’m scum doesn’t exist~

This is the second time you mentioned my death
Why would I have been killed?

No im saying if I were scum
It’s hypothetical

shurian there is no point saying ‘i would have done …’ like yes, whoever the mafia is here would now wish they did something else because regardless of who they are it was a misplay

No, it wasn’t.

I would have spent more time reading at Nighttime instead of waiting till day

Tho the world where I’m scum because scum teammate is dumb attacks eevee cuz eevee stronk does exist because Im not on for that night at all

That’s right, there isn’t any. I have a bad habit of thinking aloud at times.