[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

I think based on what others pointed out that Marl named me multiple times throughout the day.
Some earlier on and some near the end too?

IDK man. I’m trying to work out why he’d want a third wagon created

I thought it was a brilliant way to force Eli to vote Marl because I think Eli was just voting on a random guy (Maple I think)

3 way rands are way too unreliable to be actually hit scum and create too many tinfoils and what ifs (they may be the same)

Tldr: i thonk little and dismiss situation as Marl spewing bullshit. I also thonk eevee has galaxy brain and made use of Eli to actually put his vote to good use, making us being able to place Eli in a good spot.

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Who would make a 3 way rand a real thing lmao

I was thinking PKR would be spewed scum because Marl does these things thinking twice. (Overspew to hide scum -> overspew to blame town)

Marl’s a wildcard so I cannot just dismiss your thoughts but ugh. I wish I had just voted him. I could have caught on more and fought but… nope apparently not.

I feel like he was being opportunistic.

Hey im glad I wasnt there I’d thought Marl was just being weird

I just cleaned my entire room moderately well
I am proud of myself
Now, time to do some stuff and either make myself obvtown or look like an idiot ^-^

Be like me
Im an idiot


A preface:

Mechtalk is lame. Stop talking about JoaTs. Either commit to pushing the person you’re counterclaiming, or shut up about them. We know the nightkill was blocked or healed. If you want to lie about who you saved and essentially fake a greencheck, you do you. If we lose because of your fake greencheck, that’s on you. I’d rather that didn’t happen, though, so… once again, shut the heck up about them.

Marl potential spew. Wagon started building up between post 1500-1700.

Dartboard seems like a quick and easy read. Unlikely for spew, as Marl seems to be at least semi-experienced, so I highly doubt scum just goes up to their partner on D1 and just goes “hey you’re town I have no reasoning lol”

Interaction with Intensify feels random and unplanned. If you were going to have some off-topic chatting with your scumbud in main thread, you’d most likely want to do it in a way that at least slightly leaves one of you looking like town. Maybe mentioning plans for this game or something, but there’s none of that here.

Looks good for Wind here, as the actual trying to at least start a case doesn’t make sense this early for scum trying to bus

Interesting. I’d say this looks bad for Manti, as potential TMI that they’re scum even after they said that they weren’t really going to put in effort into reading them without wagonomics.

I’d say this looks good for Arctic, because he’s trying to disrupt the towncore formation and you wouldn’t want to disrupt a towncore that has your scummate inside of it (10/10 analysis, I know)

I’m fine with calling Arctic town with this spew

Potentially trying to set up future mislynches
Only way PKR is bad here is if team is exactly Marluxion/Min/PKR, which I heavily doubt.

Marl almost didn’t talk to Maple whatsoever from what I can see, and all they did respond to was memes to memes.

After this line is when the wagon has formed

This here is a :hyperthonk: bruh moment
They go from nothing on Maple to Maple being their second highest scumread, and I’m not really sure if I really think that an experienced player tries to bus their scummates while being a top wagon. However, this is potential anti-spew territory, as they might have planned on the kills being Wind then them, which would then devalue their PoE plans.

Windward is another person I’m comfortable calling town from this spew

Okay. Fun results time.

Looks Good For - Windward, Arctic
Looks Decent For - Eli, PKR, Intensify
Doesn’t Look Good For - Maple, Manti


I would like to point out that this is the same person.

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Ah, brain fart
Thank you, PKR.
Different names at 6 AM make me want to blow a hole in my skull ^-^

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TheCow is someone I know from the Town of Salem forums.
Here they’re called Maple.
And their discord is Mantichora. Aka Manti

Oh boi, do I agree

I have another opinion. Damage has already been done in that regard-
Would you like to try to figure out what I was thinking?

big wallpost
“I agree”
I have 2300 hundred posts to choose from, and nearly 70 of yours
You’ll have to narrow down what opinion and thought process you’re talking about

Oh no it’s in regards to this whole JOAT discussion thing

Actually damn it
I don’t think what I’m thinking applies here yet.

I’ll come in when I reach home.

yeah, no
you scumread wind for solving because you said it was a shift in attitude from sitting helplessly to trying to solve as though her scum teammate prompted her, but i already explained why this read was bullshit

two games actually

the game where i thought she was scummy wasn’t related to tone
she seemed the same in attitude in both of those games, unlike the D1 in this game

the real JOATs are min and eli
i’m pretty confident with this

i also agree with light’s spew analysis but less so for intensify

also no
you are lockscum
get in the box

Ah yes
To be fair the scum are dumb so

¯\_ (ツ) _/¯

Let’s declare this for them

So we can call out, “Aha! You’ve fallen into my trap card!”