[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!


It’s 23rd December my bad
Wrong occurence

That up there was what happened during the night phase*

On 23rd I was preparing for IPPT so I was quite tired. I don’t remember much of that day because it was quite tiring, and I was mostly warming up my muscles for the test.

I didnt really read until Day 2 opening on Christmas (which I went to Universal Studios Singapore, but I still could go onto the site because I became well rested)

And then SOD I started reading all the stuff that happened and lol Marl died

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You could treat it as such. But I do have several FoL matches under my non-existent experience.

I’m used to mechanics talk in FoL. That’s about it.
I left the forums a while back because I had studies to do and I was under stress from games here XD


I’m back and I want to comment on something… but I’m not sure who I comment on…

I also kinda realized that I’ve been talking a lot but not really getting anywhere so…

Out of all the people here on my readlist, who should I re-reval and ISO?


I think I have a really bad habit of reading people being scum or town based off what I do as scum and town and its kinda a bad habit

Ok cool, but who should I re-eval on my readlist?

Damn ok

I was responding to pkr but I’ll leave thread anyway

Nono come back min ;-;

ah, all right then.

I’m currently doing an experiment…
…called “if I flip all my early D1 reads, what does my readlist look like, and can I justify it?”

keeping the null reads at null (and thereby ignoring them), I’d end up with the following:

Reverse reads from early D1:
myself as scum (lol)
Arctic as scumlean
Illwei as nullscum
PKR as scumlean
Maple as nulltown

I’d justify myself as scummy due to scummy posts, I guess? lol
I’d justify Arctic as scummy for pushing and tunnelling me if he weren’t Arctic, but that contradicts the very reason I townread him. He’s still pushing aggressively to solve, although his death tunnel on me went away because of Marl.
I’d justify Illwei as nullscum due to underwhelming posts that didn’t really seem to go anywhere, but it could also be due to lack of confidence. It persisted in the thread, too, even up till now. (I had her as nulltown due to at least writing a few posts that kind of looked productive or towny tonewise, but I’m actually not seeing it as much now that I look back on it. It’s more NAI at best and I suck at reading tone anyway.)
I’d justify PKR as scumlean due to townleaning Shurian and Maple mainly for old meta, but that’s the strongest argument I can come up with from the early posts, which tells me it’s a weak argument. I do, however, want to look more at his interactions (or lack thereof) with Marl because Marl randomly pointing at PKR seems more like a familiar thing than spewing PKR now that I think about it. (I had him as a townlean because he looked like he was contributing. Also, his vote on Eevee was veeery early in the game, and looked like it was for pressure to get Eevee to appear in the thread. He just never retracted it and I guess I also forgot it existed.)
I’d justify Maple as a townlean for early posts if I just sheeped PKR on saying it’s within Maple’s townrange. Otherwise, the earliest posts from them are just fluff. Right now, I really don’t think they’re the most likely to be scum. Unless they stop sheeping Eevee’s votes, they’re not doing anything right now to help scum, and they certainly wouldn’t have missed the nightkill imo. (I originally scumread them for fluff and cc’ing JoaT with bad timing.)

I can’t see myself as scum.
I can’t see Arctic as scum.
I can see Illwei as potential scum.
I can see PKR as potential scum.
I can see Maple as town.

Summary: This was useless and a complete waste of time because it didn’t really get me to change my mind. Maybe I need to be more openminded but I thought I was wishywashy enough on the D1 reads that I should focus more once I had material to work with. I don’t want to lock myself into certain views because I’m pretty sure it would be detrimental, so that’s why I tried this.

Anyway, I want to look more at PKR’s slot and his interaction with Marl (or at least where Marl mentioned him) in case there’s anything useful there. I won’t judge PKR off what Marl said, but I’ll look to see how PKR responded.

Ok so…

No response in a while?

I assume the people here are fine with this then?

In that case

/vote Illwei

I’m gonna reeval and ISO PKR, I think. Derps is kind of not really here and I already ISO’d him, Illwei has been here, Shurian has been here, and PKR has been here.

I don’t particularly like Illwei’s slot but I want to review the other 3 before making a call. Illwei basically just seems frustrated, which could go either way. For town who’s tired of D2 misyeets, or for scum who’s about to be yeeted for the second day in a row, frustration is a thing. So I’m going to have to read Illwei’s slot by reading everyone else’s slots first and then coming back to her.

I don’t know what to think of Shurian; they’re in a pretty similar spot right now to Illwei. While I’d like to say that Shurian has been doing more solving than Illwei, I actually see “reaction tests” but no readlist or PoE, which tells me it might all be bullshit from them.

PKR pings me better than Illwei and Shurian for tonal reasons, but his presence has been very unfortunately inconvenient. Taking thread presence out of AI range, I don’t really think anything he’s said has immediately pinged me as wolfy; if anything, I got town vibes from him off the top of my head. But I get the feeling that someone here has information they’re withholding, and for whatever reason I think it concerns PKR. Either he has information he’s hiding, or someone has information about him. It’s a dumb thing to say considering we have 4 JoaT claims, none of which are PKR, but I feel like someone TMI’d specifically on his slot farther up and I want to search for it. Call it a gut feeling; I have no evidence yet.

As for Derps… well, I ISO’d him and it could go either way, but I find his posts very underwhelming in general. I was hoping for a bit more since I think he has good solving capabilities, but because it’s Christmas and he afk’d, I can’t say for sure whether his solving is going in the right direction or not, as he left off by calling Light underwhelming and then didn’t update his reads today. I feel like he’d be making more effort to solve as town.

Uhh I meant as in… who do you want me to re-eval… not who you re-evaled…

oh I forgot to write it, then. I was gonna ask if you also wanted to reevaluate PKR for your own sake, or if you just want me to do that lol.

because from what it looks like, Maple and Eevee seem to still have him as a scumread (as Maple looks like they’re locktowning anyone who voted on Marl or PKR yesterday), Marl was doing his weird “if Min is town JoaT I want to kill PKR”, and PKR is under fire for not managing to catch up on the threadstate at EoD.

Hmm I see.

I’ll get to ISOing PKR later then

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shrug I tried.

I meant specifically because you’re being wagoned today, as in, Marl was yeeted yesterday and you’re looking like a likely yeet today so far.

oh, makes much more sense than my thoughts :P.

Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Illwei ArcticXI, Min, Shurian, Intensify 4/7
PokemonKidRyan SirDerpsAlot 1/7
SirDerpsAlot WindwardAway 1/7
Maple Illwei 1/7

Ping me if this is incorrect

Do I really have to compile all my stuff into one list for you D:
Be grateful my little lamb


This has not changed.

Ahaha what a joke, stupid Shuri.

This has not changed.


This hasn’t changed yet.

Eevee has always been town and I don’t think they won’t be town.

SDA awaits. As of Post 45 of my post.

It means not Intensify today.


Ahaha I’ll never do it. LAZINESS RULES.

Who are the remaining people?

Let’s take out the JOAT Claims as well.
SDA and Illwei remains. As well as me but im not scum so :smiley:
It sucks that these are the ones remaining in the POE so…