[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

other than that, I think I covered any notes I considered significant when people were naming their votes.

And now I feel like a fucking idiot as despite me saying I unvoted, it seems I hadnā€™t done so, meaning I likely look godalmighty sus.

That EoD was a blur

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the funny thing is that I would interpret not changing votes as kind of towny
but Marl never changed his vote on me, partly due to the fact that it was looking like a PoE between the two of us so he just had to keep going ā€œwind is scumā€, ā€œwind is scumā€, ā€œyou will see that wind is scumā€
on the other hand, keeping a vote on Eevee of all people would be kind of a weird choice for cornered wolves trying to save themselves, so it looks much less wolfy than it would have if youā€™d left your vote on someone else or tried to push one of the larger wagons.

This aint right
Discuss with me :wink:

And @WindwardAway

Trick to wagonomics is to analyse what you think are big votes with intent to do something.

Eg: Why did Shurian Unvote?
Why did Min swap votes?
Why did PKRā€™s votes stay on Eevee?
What was Derps doing?
Where were everyone at EOD?

If you can answer all these questions (can only do so by asking ask why the heck we did itā€¦ or was it done with scum motivation in mind?_

And FYI, I did vote Eli at that point in time because I thought Eliā€™s JOAT Claim was BS, but was waiting for a suitable time to conduct chaos at the same time. I unvoted when I felt that enough seeds have been sown and Iā€™d have plenty of stuff to watch around.

@eevee @Maple @EliThePsycho @WindwardAway

Do you think this threadstate is going in the right direction?

Also by that time I realised Eli was probably town soā€¦

Idk lol Iā€™m afk

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Aight can I join the afk club

ahh ok, gotcha.

I already went through all of these questions in my head, btw. I have some thoughts but donā€™t know what to do with them.

Letā€™s start with this, since youā€™re hereā€¦ why did you unvote but not vote anyone else before EoD? Did you not have any strong scumreads or were you just afk?

It feels like weā€™re treading water, most likely because the threadā€™s pretty dead at the moment, so Iā€™m hoping people will pop in before EoD and give some input because I want their presence here (particularly from Derps).

Its Christmas go for it

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Is day extended? Asking for a friend

itā€™s not

apparently people were too afk to ask for an extension, so it has not been extended

Buncha grinches

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Sounds like socialist propaganda to me

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At those points in timeā€¦

It was Christmas Eve for me (UTC+8)
I had gotten my first break after weeks.
And I checked after I got out of camp and after a brief read I unvoted (I think)

I was really tired and sleptā€¦ then I went to eat a Christmas Dinner with my friends.
When I got back home I died the moment I laid on my bed

Last I saw was around the
Lemme check

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Then it went into night phase LOL

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EOD is 4 AM just for yall reference

yikes, yeah thatā€™s inconvenient for you lol

hmm, given the information you have so far, whoā€™s in your PoE now?

actually, another question since it was brought up earlier. I see youā€™ve been in the forums for a while, but is this your first FM game?