[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

That was in reply to Intensify, not eevee, sorry

Wise words.

Me will remember

yes thatā€™s why i amended it shortly afterwards
you quoted my amended one and said it was shit, then you outright lie about what tiers i had people in

neither of you are locktown because neither of you are JOATs
not rescinding your claim does nothing for town when mafia already know who the real JOATs are

Actually Iā€™m very inclined to change my entire readlist off this very interaction between Wind+Arctic and Eevee.

Iā€™m very interested to see where the thing goes.

What is this

ā€œbraindead peopleā€

Also, why the fuck am I as a confirmed joat LOWER than like half this list

Oh my fucking god.

You know Eli would knew they were roleblocked the moment when kill fails?
There was 0 chance kill fails with 2 outed joats UNLESS roleblock goes astray.

I was attacked, Eli was roleblocked, mi healed me.

Thatā€™s probably what happened, sure.
But joats in this are me and min.

And Iā€™m literally having to fight my place in locktown despite being confirmed in 2 different ways.

Thatā€™s how stupid this game is right now.

Oh youā€™re confirmed okay up they go

Not sure why people think eevee can be scum here

Itā€™s like impossible every way


no vc yet
placing vote here
/vote iiwei

Thatā€™s true, but only if he knew for a fact that mafia used roleblock and didnā€™t cop instead.

So youā€™re slightly wrong.

eevee is mechlock town



How did Shurian miss that min is confirmed JoaT??

somehow heā€™s still scummy
but heā€™s mechlock town

Someone wasnā€™t paying attention I guess

scum wasnā€™t paying attention

{shurian , iiwei}
at least 1 is scum