[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

They were shot night one so they got double tapped

And/or the killer didn’t believe eli

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Well, I’m sure they figured Eevee likely wouldn’t be protected a second night in a row.
But it does show they specifically really wanted Eevee out.

And, as we know, there’s a good handful of people who fall under this category sigh
Not including Arctic or I, or the other JoaTs.
Doesn’t help us narrow down the list more than we already have. I’m pretty sure we’ve solved it and it doesnt actually matter who the mafia kills tonight, unless they kill the last top scumread lol.

Didn’t scum already know though who Joat B was? So why not kill Joat B instead of fake Joat B???

Scum’s moves don’t make sense here at all.

yeah they roleblocked Eli
so that’s why I guess they really wanted Eevee out specifically

unless they just… forgot that Eli and Eevee counterclaimed each other lol. Wouldn’t exactly be surprised, considering that certain people didn’t believe min’s claim.

So they probably just derp’ed really hard is what you’re saying?

basically, yes
whatever their motive was, they had to have derped really hard to fail the N1 kill anyway and then target the same person N2.
there’s a vague strategy present, albeit not a very good one. with 10 townies in the game and only 2 mafia by N1, they should’ve tried harder imo.

I’d like to do the opposite of derpclearing lol

Goes way back from a game that I was scum with PKR (we lost terribly in Mafia Academy).

This was his first post in Mafia Acad: Note he was post capped along with everyone else. PKR tends to be formal and quite cautious as scum… which was why I thought PKR good in the first place. PKR never raged that game but was dissapointed.

Nvm we move PKR off the list cuz the one raging was astand… I mixed it up

PKR remember that disastrous chonk server? >_>

Someone organize my thoughts because I cant XD

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It is likely

PKR + Shurian scumteam

did Shurian just flip their read on PKR mid-post?

wut dafuq

/vote Shurian @Arete
hopefully this doesn’t bring him at L-1 or L-2 tbh
don’t want a quickhammer

Save Our Scum

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But eevee TR me
No reason for me to suggest to my buddy to kill eevee

this way they can’t flip their read on you

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Yall be disappointed when you see my flip XD
Mafia 100% wants this to continue

either way i don’t like using NKA

No reason for you to suggest to your buddy to kill him, but reason enough for them to suggest to you to kill him.
makes you look less sus by killing someone TRing you, doesn’t it?

i.e. kill him while he’s wrong