[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

Well I know it’s not me… plus that doesn’t explain the kills. I was quite attentive during most of day 1 and pretty much day 2… so wtf are these nightkills.
So that wouldn’t make sense to me then…

You gotta figure out some other scum combination, pretty sure it can’t be SDA and me cause nightkills don’t make sense, plus I’m literally pushing for SDA lonch right here… and that wouldn’t make sense at all if I was scummates with him so unless you think this is some galaxy brain buss to confirm myself… it’s not possible.

So I said this:

and Shurian agreed:

and yet Shurian said:

So Shurian disagrees that Derps and Intensify are a potential w/w pair for the most part
Intensify is spewing themself as not w/w with Derps because of unawareness
PKR is spewing himself as the opposite alignment to both Derps and Intensify
Shurian is spewing themself as the opposite alignment to Derps

Alignment 1: PKR, Shurian
Alignment 2: Derps, Intensify

and from Shurian’s spew, if Intensify is not likely to be a wolf because there can only be one wolf between PKR/Derps/Intensify, the wolf has to be PKR, who has spewed himself as probably aligned with Shurian (Alignment 1).

Man I feel like this is redundant and just hammering the nail in now, but there you have it.

am I even using the word “spew” correctly because I feel like I’ve said it so many times that I must’ve made a mistake somewhere lol.

Uhhh wut.

Give me a sec lemme process that

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ergh this wasn’t quite everything
I said there was only one wolf among the three and Shurian agreed, so both of us said this
and PKR spewed himself as aligned with Shurian mainly by spewing himself as opposite to Derps/Intensify.

In my experience, their relative alignments is ~rand based on todays posting in a vacuum

What does this mean??

I’m stupid

rand equals more likely

<rand equals less likely

~rand equals pure random

When compared to making choices at random

. >rand*

Shurian’s and PKR’s alignments, you mean?

How it’s denoted on some other sites

Okay so you believe their alignments are random?

So like you believe it could be T/W, T/T, S/S and W/T?

Relative to each other, when only considering their in thread interactions today

I wouldn’t draw conclusions vv ww or vw from it without a good and proper holistic analysis

that’s fair, but I didn’t say that they were necessarily paired with each other.
I just think that one flipping villager does not spew the other as villager (as Arctic had said earlier), but that the train of logic from the two of them going back and forth with me indirectly spews that they are most likely aligned because they agree on Derps and disagree on Intensify.

If we took only Their posting towards each other this day phase as a guide, yes

This discounts all other factors

I’m saying that drawing conclusions for their relative alignments right now would be ineffective

I guess… but it’s hard to believe that they could be T/W and W/T.

Also what other factors though?

this part, I mean.

the way I did it was to have Alignment 1 and Alignment 2, both empty.
Placed PKR in Alignment 1.
Placed Derps in Alignment 2.
Placed Intensify with Derps and opposite to PKR.
Placed Shurian opposite to Derps and Intensify.

I’ve seen this exact dynamic play out before with every possible combination of alignments.

Theyre in “survival” mode

Its annoying