[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

Noted, wind

What id like is if my poe gave any sort of shit about solving the game


Whatā€™s your PoE again?

actually I didnā€™t specifically have to place Shurian opposite to Intensify
but thatā€™s the way it turned out anyway, because there are only two possible alignments in this game.

Also wut?

Not quite getting thisā€¦ if theyā€™re in ā€œsurvivalā€ mode, wouldnā€™t that indicate W/W or T/T?

I saw Shurian say that Derps was pocketing me if that counts.

nah, either alignment would go into survival mode independently, and since theyā€™re being jointly tunnelled, it would make sense for them to both go into survival mode and agree on a target.

My clears:

Min eli arctic wind


Int light derps pkr shu

I need to find one of the bottom 5 as a villager for auto

Iā€™m leaning you as a villager between the 5 but have not firmed up the read as of yet

Exactly, they have the same reason to cooperate regardless of either playerā€™s alignment.

Oh yeah that makes a lot of sense.

Town List
Min - Obvious
Maple - Cleared by Eevee
Eli - Obvious
Arctic - Obvious
Windward - Too tunneled

1/2 Scum?
Intensify - More likely to be good
Light - ???

1/3 Scum?

Youā€™re saying that Iā€™m definitely scum at this point, but this only works if I flip scum, and that world doesnā€™t exist so please bear with me

Thatā€™s exactly it. Iā€™d do this as scum too and Iā€™ll look exactly the same.

Exactly, so I donā€™t give a shit about your posts until you decide to further our collective wincondition



Iā€™ll go back to Shurian I guess.

I thought I was pretty big brain not gonna lie for figuring that one out but ok

That you put yourself into your scum is laughable.


/vote Shurian

Vote Count

Vote Target Voted By Votes
Shurian ArcticXI, Min, WindwardAway, Intensify 4/6
Maple Light 1/6
SirDerpsAlot Shurian, PokemonKidRyan 2/6

Please ping me if I missed any votes (which is reasonably likely)

I do intend on taking my time here, but would maj a wagon if I think it can flip wolf.

Id like to see more from the other half of my poe

Iā€™m going to ask again, because Iā€™m curious - why is nobody pushing Light?
I know I info-cleared him, but neither Shurian nor PKR have mentioned him.

Revision: Shurian just threw him into a W/V with Intensify, never mind.

Thereā€™s where Light appears, but I see no reasoning as to why one of Light/Intensify has to be scum.

Iā€™d also like to know why you only have 1/3 scum in the Shurian/SDA/PKR list and why you included yourself in the list. I donā€™t know where that list came from, from your POV. Are you now saying that PKR is scum if you and Derps are both town?

Iā€™m not saying that youā€™re definitely scum. Iā€™m saying that you and PKR canā€™t both be right because you gave contradicting statements about Intensify but agreed on Derps being likely scum.

/vote Shurian

Good luck~