[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

Fuck shit damn

Of course

good night
sleep tight
don’t let the wolfies bite

I feel the need to be the last person to reply to myself let me sleep pls

Sleep is important, after all

Light please I’ll self vote and ate the rest of the game

Is this a threat or a promise



I’m deleting my phone so I can sleep gn

You wouldn’t download a phone

yes, always delete your electronic devices before bedtime

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you wouldnt download a phone

Hey maple

I have a question


Are you here to stay or to visit?

phones can be secretly downloaded by malware programs hidden on your computer

you should all run scans to make sure you didn’t download any phones

Apparently hot milfs in my area are attracted to phone viruses though


I see
