[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

if you say all my posts are bullshit, then by definition I have now agenda pushed literally everyone in this game except for min lol

whereas you, Derps, have only pushed me
that looks much more like an agenda
and kind of a lazy one tbh

from this moment forward i will refer to deepwolves as

Iā€™m saying you arenā€™t actually solving theirs no like thought process into your reads itā€™s just widening PoE slowly

Youā€™ve mentioned that basically everyone could be scum today and that you could push them lol

this is my case on PKR and i know itā€™s a biggie, but please do read it

hang onā€¦ PKR was saying that he had no motivation to play this game from the start which is why we were assuming it was NAI, yet he seems to have been fine at the start
but heā€™s actually become less motivated despite town winning and mafia getting shit on early? it would make sense for mafia to get de-motivated after that start, which is why we killed illwei
the difference was illwei actually was de-motivated from the start, whereas PKR developed it, just like the mafia would after D1 and failing the kill N1

iā€™m sorry but i have no idea whatā€™s going on in this post, he townleans shurian but doesnā€™t explain why

this is the first actual content we get from PKR
itā€™s okay except for the fact that thereā€™s no explanation on maple and he still townreads shurian without explaining why
so out of his 3 townleans he has only given an explanation for one of them

this was PKR trying to explain to marl why he was townreading maple, and i donā€™t think we ever got an answer

okay so we actually got an explanation on shurian which isnā€™t too bad

i feel like this could be seen as TMIā€™ing shurian as town but i might just be biased because when i see someone providing an excuse for their inactivity it seems to me more like a self-aware wolf trying to avoid getting scumread and go under the radar
this just seems too weak to genuinely townread someone with

this post really makes me uncomfortable and i fail to believe that PKR was actually this unaware of the set-up
this seems like an attempt to get a soft derpclear

soā€¦ PKR does know about the setup and was just feigning ignorance about the lost wolves earlier? what

anyway, since iā€™m doing this chronologically the next part is EoD1 where PKR magically appears after nearly becoming a top wagon
people talk about marlā€™s spew being good for PKR but honestly, i beg to differ (iā€™ll make another post on this later)
he asked eevee and maple to wagon PKR yet he never actually voted PKR himself, even when maple and eevee did (i think?)
it seemed more like a failed attempt at distancing and then avoiding actually having to commit to his townspew on his teammate

PKR becoming demotivated here, now this could be due to two things

  1. actually getting demotivated because he got wagoned yesterday and was in the PoE at this point
  2. losing a teammate d1 and failing a kill n1

and honestly, iā€™m leaning more towards option number 2 because, trying to think about this objectively, would you really be that demotivated if you were wagoned D1 but lived and actually got a mafia out? like regardless if i was in the PoE there, i would just be happy we got a wolf out early
this may just be my personal opinion, so someone else should weigh in here

wait, didnā€™t PKR say earlier that he wasnā€™t very well acquainted with marl? so by his own logic this would implicate him
i definitely think heā€™s right about marl being awkward in the thread, especially with how he handled PKRā€™s slot. coincidence, i think not

yeah, this

yeah, we know
this is why PKR fits perfectly into the category of not knowing whatā€™s going on in the thread and with JOAT claims, and him being mafia with someone like Derps who also has no idea, would explain the questionable night actions

this was in response to illwei
i donā€™t understand how anyone could legitimately have read both shurian and illwei as town without having TMI, and then scumead intensify
PKR has conveniently townread the D2 and D3 wagons and on D2 he did this without suggesting a better person to kill, and D3 he said to kill intensify instead, which iā€™m pretty sure was OMGUS

doesnā€™t explain why illwei was town and gave a half-assed read on shurian earlier

how many posts has PKR sent which put off actually giving a read on shurian
is it not just becauseā€¦ he canā€™t actually explain why he townreads shurian because heā€™s mafia and itā€™s TMI? like how am i supposed to understand the thought processes here if he never actually explains the read

now PKR flips his read on shurian and still doesnā€™t explain why

so it turns out this wasnā€™t actually TMI since eli didnā€™t even roleblock him, but i still feel like this doesnā€™t come from a VT
why do you ask if you are roleblocked, especially since it does nothing to confirm you with 2 mafia alive

sorry but no, PKR made no push to actually stop illwei getting lynched
he just townread her to gain towncred and allow the mislynch to happen
if he really thought illwei was town, why did he not try and save her?

this is PKRā€™s readlist yesterday, and heā€™s now flipped from scumreading shurian to townreading them again with the reasoning of being a wildcard, but still not using shurianā€™s content from this game to actually make a read on them

the read on intensify is just ???
he is scumreading intensify for not being in the PoE? i donā€™t really understand whatā€™s going on here

PKR calls intensify performative here after intensify challenged his read (i think)
i still have no idea whatā€™s going on here, i think i will have to write a separate thing on this

something i can talk about though, is the fact that PKR had intensify as his highest scumread yet he pushed for derps to get lynched
this is possibly because he knew that he would be unable to actually get intensify killed, or because he knew he would have to remove his inactivity teammateā€™s slot (derps) at some point to gain towncred, because sooner or later heā€™s going to be killed

PKR again, does not know whatā€™s happening in the thread (though this isnā€™t related to JOATs necessarily)
it was light that looked at marlā€™s spew analysis

PKR asks shurian who to wagon rather than following his own read and voting intensify
this is likely because he realised he would need the extra votes, not that it is necessarily AI since he did say that he scumread both intensify and derps

how is PKR so confident that shurian is town after flipping his read several times and saying that they are a wildcard? this just screams TMI and trying to gain towncred, like he did with illwei

what is this? asking the mafia to kill a certain JOAT?
iā€™m just going to say this is slightly performative and leave it at that, because iā€™m not entirely sure how to read thisā€¦

(speaking of performativeā€¦)

actually yeah, why has PKR gone all quiet now that shurian has died?
what happened to pushing derps and intensify? if you genuinely believe someone is scum, then you should try convincing us at least, rather than doing nothing

overall, PKR has shown to have no thread awareness, perfectly matching our profile of the mafia having no idea whatā€™s going on with the JOATs which explains the failed nightkills
he has flipped his reads on shurian several times when itā€™s convenient to him, like when he was asked who he actually thought was scum he said shurian, then afterwards he went back to townreading them when shurian was actually being killed?
the amount of TMI potential in this ISO is ridiculous especially with his townread on illwei but lack of a defence for her

i would really prefer to kill PKR today simply because if derps flipped w you guys would be too transfixed with the idea that PKR and Derps canā€™t be W/W, even though it was essential for PKR to try and buss derps there to gain towncred, because sooner or later derps was going to die due to policy and he might as well try and gain something from it

If I was a wolf why would I not be pushing the lhf over myself

oh yeah, I didnā€™t push Arctic, either lol

so then Iā€™ve ā€œagenda pushedā€ Maple and Eli on D1, then self-voted, then ā€œbussedā€ Marl
then ā€œagenda pushedā€ Illwei
then ā€œagenda pushedā€ Shurian and PKR
now ā€œagenda pushingā€ Derps and Maple, maybe still PKR but I canā€™t decide

thatā€™s a pretty weird spread instead of focusing on one person, isnā€™t it?

Youā€™ve said Arctic might be scum today lol

Iā€™m only talking about today

thatā€™s because you literally have not read any of my longer posts at all so you refuse to believe thereā€™s any thought process in them

yes, and I said Iā€™m voting you first, then either Maple or PKR next depending on your flip, then the other one, and then Intensify??? whatā€™s so odd about that? Iā€™ve planned ahead, unlike you.

Iv read them

Itā€™s 90% you just saying what happens And 10% having a conclusion

No reasons

Iā€™m done arguing with you I only really care about min and Eli right now

what do you expect me to do, self-vote now so I can AtE? nobody else thinks Iā€™m scum so you can find someone else to push. Isnā€™t Maple an easier push? everyone else seems to think so.

@min what have I done thatā€™s wolfy

itā€™s almost like youā€™re not reading the thread
because Iā€™m pretty sure min already answered you

Probabaly but I think youā€™re scum so Iā€™m pushing you

Just noticed Wind and Min have over a third of the total posts

They just said I donā€™t have enough posts
