[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!


I’m mad that you’re saying that I’m annoyed about the luck that we’ve had.
When it’s not.

It was something else.

right, you said it was about being tunnelled the whole time

I don’t think pkr is scum

I think wolf pkr would be more aggravated

I think you missed most of D2 and D3 so you didn’t see aggravated PKR tbh

Last I remember from scum pkr was him being kinda a dick (no offense pkr)

None taken.

smh my head


hey Maple, do you have a preferred yeet order yet?

feeling cute might omgus derps



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am busy atm should have more time tmr

This thread looks like it’s died lol

i don’t really have anything else to say

kill in derps/PKR

Ok then… I’d suppose we should probably hammer our main wagon in about like 3 hours close to original EOD then?

big mood

I made reads, i posted them.

Ideally they’re right, if I missed (artic/wind) then darn

We bought an extra misyeet with the min save at least

I just feel like the active players domt miss the kill last night

That the prior save also implied similarly

We shall see