[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

so the issue here is you said you don’t think mafia is big braining us

but we already know that they have to be, since there is only 1 inactive person (PKR) left yet there are 2 mafia left

if you think the scumteam is maple/pkr, then you have to think scum is bigbraining us because you’re including maple

Actually wtf do you even by big braining us and stuff.

Cause at this point I’ve forgotten what we’re refferring to when we say “big braining”

convincing us that mafia are inactive/dumb so we only kill in those people

we already know that’s not possible since PKR is the only person who didn’t know about the JOATs etc and there is another mafia who did

Ok by how tho… I just proved that they must have accidently missed nightkills so… what other reasons do you have to make you believe this?

i’m struggling to see how they could have missed nightkills accidentally when one or more of them was aware of the JOAT situation


At this point, both sides of the argument for whether scum is big braining us present impossible questions and situations…

to me it just seems like you’re being deliberately ambiguous

How exactly?

I just gave my reasonings as to the holes within the thought of scum big braining us through manipulation of nightkills…

explain to me how mafia could be unintentionally failing night actions when we know that at least one of them has thread awareness

@WindwardAway don’t you think neither of intensify and light can be mafia with maple based off wagons and interactions?

that’s why i think it’s either maple/PKR
or light/intensify

another reason still why i don’t want to kill maple


but explain to me why scum would purposely miss nightkills in order to plant the possibility of a very specific thought into one of the townies and to bet on that townie to be able to improve and spread that very specific thought throughout the rest of town without anything going wrong and without scum themselves pushing and bringing up that idea first.

because they didn’t do it deliberately the first time
but after we pointed out that mafia must be inactive/stupid, they realised they could profit from it and encourage us to think this by failing more night actions

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Doesn’t that contradict your statement that atleast one of the scums has thread awareness then?

If they had awareness of the thread, then… why how did they miss the nightkill?

i already said that you and light didn’t have thread awareness of the JOATs on D1

Also for this question to be ever remotely answered, it would have to involve Wind being scum and big braining us all while at the same time pocketing most of us… which I highly doubt.

So you think both of us suddenly have no idea what’s happening day 1 and we just Yolo’ed the first nightkill…

But then we suddenly do know like what’s happening in thread right after day 1?


Seems kinda… too perfect don’t you think?

I might rename myself to the token mislynch come end of game.
Or add that to my bio as a nickname

wasn’t a yolo, you just fucked it up

yes, you saw that we were gaining the idea of mafia must be dumb/not present in the thread so you kept encouraging this idea