[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

don’t you think scum would come in and defend themselves from being wagoned? there was nobody defending maple when the wagon formed. 3 of us voted maple and arctic only asked one of us to unvote while he organized his thoughts, so I unvoted.

i’m not saying PKR is scum
i’m saying arctic and maple are

he’s trying to confuse us
haven’t i already made this clear

oh you’re scumreading arctic with maple???


lots of cursing don't look if you don't like me cursing and getting mad


There are three options after today.
Tomorrow is a 3v2 LyLo. Eli is no matter what dying tonight because mechconfirmed JoAT.

Or, we go into 4v1. In this case, Eli is still dead. I’m not going to vote within Arctic/Intensify tomorrow unless something absolutely massively insane happens like openwolfing. This means I will be voting within you/PKR.

If I get this wrong, we go into the night in a 3v1. I am confident that Intensify and Arctic are town. This means, out of Me/Intensify/Arctic, one of us dies. This means that two of us are still alive. Then, my hope is that they’ll vote the other scummy person out of you/PKR.

He’d be latching onto my idea, then, because I said this before he did, and PKR said it before I did. Lol. So he’d be agreeing with PKR, whom he hard scumread yesterday… and the day before… and the day before… so why reverse that if he’s trying to agenda yeet?

honestly i don’t know why he’s not here
seems kinda scummy nonetheless

literally look at what Light just posted and tell me it makes perfect sense with no trace of TMI whatsoever, Eli.

there is no world where maple is town

lol you all know what’s going to happen now, right? Eli isn’t going to be night killed.

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i don’t want to argue here
i’m confident that maple is scum
there is no world where he is town
so why aren’t you voting him

he is? wouldn’t be surprised if you guys kept him alive to willage

somehow i doubt this

It does make perfect sense
I have found Intensify incredibly towny
Arctic is minorly mech confirmed
I posted some of what I thought made Intensify so towny
I’m not killing in my towncore
what a fucking idea

I’m not voting him because I don’t want to put him on L-1

this is talking to wind

because that’s what scum wants us to think. I’m saying this as someone who is literally going off a whim because I analyzed the game in my sleep and posted before Arctic did.

Yeah but you didn’t account for the nightkills happening in your towncore. That’s what I don’t like about it.

my point is why don’t you want to yeet him


this is a rage post
how did it hit reply