[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

i would like eli to clarify that he will actually vote intensify/light tomorrow if we do kill maple today and maple flips town

because it will be the end of us if he still doesn’t vote in those

If Maple is town I will drink a minor amount of hot sauce and post it in the discord

I doubt this…

A lot of these big brain plans you think scum are trying to do rely on town to think a very specific way and completely ignore the rest. Nothing else would’ve changed if the second nightkill happened.

I’m @ Eli because he can confirm this is a crap defense. You know why? This is the same defense I used as scum when I was trying to defend Eli. This itself contradicts itself and creates a paradox where if there is no one defending X, then isn’t this argument a defense for X then???

I agreed with them, and I believe Wind’s reasoning weren’t bad. Except that doesn’t mean I let Maple slip by.

: |

yes it would have
you can’t tell me how my thought processes would/would not change
if the second failed nightkill was successful, i would have realised that mafia aren’t that dumb/pretending to be that dumb

yes it does
if you really thought maple was mafia, then you would have pushed to vote them out several days ago

It’s Arc/Maple/PKR at this point… this is getting ridiculous.

People are being cleared cause some crap they did like 5 days ago and have progressively gotten worse…

[quote=“Intensify, post:4693, topic:85229”]

Not newbies who won a game in LyLo, no.

partly an accident, partly on purpose. call it “rolling with it”.

it’s possible they also missed the actual soft when min confirmed Arctic. You know why? because when everyone (and I clearly remember you) asked what the night actions were, I repeated what min had said about being jailkept. Nobody asked any further questions and took my word for it. I didn’t question min and figured that was the information they wanted repeated, regardless of whether it was true or not. I ignored the soft on Arctic and then completely forgot about it, so I also ended up believing the jailkeep claim to be perfectly honest. But anyway, it worked, didn’t it? You all believed it except for Min, Eli, and Arctic.

Or… because you’re in it.

It was for more than that. It was for Maple’s vote removal on D1, among other things.

Look how you’re relying on Eli here.

So you’re blaming me for moving the vote off Maple? That’s interesting. You shouldn’t be letting me steer your votes because you shouldn’t be sheeping me in the first place.

Fair. I dont think my own read is correct like 90% of the time, and I’ve expressed that multiple times in this game. But we’re down to the last couple of players here, pre-MyLo/LyLo, so I have to turn my reads around on everyone and evaluate whether or not they make sense. There’s been plenty of thought going into this, and what I see is some possibilities where I didn’t look before, i.e., at least one of you/Light being scum. And I’m sorry to say I just dismissed you both as town and never really looked closely enough before this. That’s entirely on me for screwing up my reads, but I’m here to fix them. I don’t trust my early reads in FM, but I do trust my late reads due to various types of evidence.

Yeah. I just didn’t bother looking at either of your slots much because there were scummier-sounding posts from almost everyone else in this game, plus the inactivity issue. As I said, i don’t think I want to play FM during a major holiday again lol.

Because I was too fucking slow to see it, that’s why. Now that PKR no longer looks like an ML target, Maple is the next one on the list. Who knows, maybe I’ll be the LHF after them.

Yes, but I wouldn’t know which one of you it would be. I’d rather have one scum out today already than tomorrow and I’m just basing this off my current reads.

idk honestly.

I know you’ve been here. Light wasn’t, though, but just so happened to come in when Arctic and I mentioned that both of you could be the scumteam (and it’s too bad PKR isn’t here to see this yet). You don’t think there’s any chance that one of the scum here is, uh, active and suddenly told Light to get in here?

No, because that’s what you wrote your assumed analysis on. It only works if we yeet Maple, and I don’t want to yeet Maple today. I’m leaving them for later.

please do, Eli

I see that you’re putting Arctic in your PoE just because Eli suggested he’d be scum with Maple
Nice try

fucking broken quote at the beginning

do we have a current vote count, by the way?

And you can’t tell me how I would’ve thought. If the second nightkill didn’t miss, I would’ve just dismissed it normally as “ok scum killed someone” not “scum didn’t miss their nightkill. WHAT HOW NO WAY! It must mean that scum aren’t as dumb as we think and that they are actually big braining us.”

Why do you think I would do that? Do you take me as the aggressive type who pushes their reads hard and doesn’t re-eval?

I don’t think you’ve been aggressive at all this game, actually. I don’t recall your starting a wagon on anyone at all, but you’ve joined all of them.

except D1. I think you left your vote off then.

this has nothing to do with anything
you mentioned how the theory relies on town thinking in a specific way, and that refers to me and wind since we’re the ones that had the theory
so it’s our thought processes

i’m pretty sure light never including intensify in his order of people to kill is a slip

Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Maple Intensify,Eli 2/4
Intensify WindwardAway, Arctic 2/4

Ping me if any of this is incorrect


i’m on intensify



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Ok so now you’re saying that they didn’t come up with the strat but it town created it first and they just missed their second kill to roll with it even though if they didn’t nothing would’ve changed at all…

I… don’t remember ever asking wtf night actions were at all, and I’m completely serious. Go check my ISO.

How does the soft matter… also this implies they missed the second nightkill accidently?

Oh gee… if only I knew I was town…
Also I’ve given reasons why certain things don’t work.

And what about… Min and Eli… what was Eevee’s explanation for those reads?

Today? Not today. But every other day before this, you’ve wanted your PoE that didn’t include Maple gone, where as I had my PoE with Maple in it, but since you were pushing someone in my PoE, it was fine. Each time I tried to push Maple, it’s always met with that one thing they did day 1 and that’s it…

If you believe me thinking the reasons behind your reads was good and that me also agreeing and putting similar people in my PoE due to those reasons is sheeping… then I don’t know what the hell to tell you…

Uh huh I understand that. Except I couldn’t get to push Maple when it’s like day 3 or 4, with like 9 and 10 people alive.

I said if Maple flips town…
Unless you’re saying if Maple flips town it has to be me/Light + some other person?

Didn’t PKR do the same thing when they were being wagoned?

Yes because I believe your reasonings for voting them aren’t bad and are good enough for me to agree and also push along.

A town that doesn’t agree with each other is a town that’s on fire and no one wants to call the damn firefighters because idk it might waste like 5 minutes of phone data.

And this relies on a scumteam that would actually think of you would think like this…

opportunistic scum
takes opportunities as they see them, that’s all

scrolling up to look for the N2 night action thingy. I’ll come back when I find it.

you mean… it relies on a scumteam that can follow basic logic?
it’s pretty clear that town would come to assume mafia were dumb/pretending to be dumb after messing up those kills
i don’t see how this is debatable