[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

I’m going now to cool off.

I’m actually annoyed that there’s a push against me and Light solely because Maple is somehow town even though we haven’t even executed Maple at all.

If you’re gonna push us, don’t rely on Maple to flip town.

even if we killed maple, you don’t win here lol

That’s not basic logic at all…

The basic logic for scum not missing their second nightkill would be “Ok scum killed someone”

You guys believe that if scum didn’t miss their second nightkill, that would’ve change almost everything in your pushes and reads apperently

news flash
I’m confident in my fucking read.
I am really getting to the point of not caring about getting warned or banned for your stupidity.

well, they are my reads and pushes
so yes i can tell you it would have
because scum failing the second nightkill solidified my view that mafia were dumb, or at least pretending to be

/vote Maple
Jesus Christ. If you guys are fine with putting shit at L-1 anyway.

Alright, fuck you. Go fuck yourself. You’re so fucking egotistical in what you believe things to be.

Do you know what happens when you’re too overconfident? Confirmation bias.

This is a nightkill we’re talking about…
this is a small opportunity for the trade of a whole damn nightkill.

Scum must be confident as hell then in this opportunity or else it’s a complete waste

i’ve actually become a lot less confident after i was wrong several times
nonetheless, i won’t be gaslit

Go ahead. Say it: Light is boxed in and that’s why he’s getting mad that I’m blatantly initiating that he’s both scum and fucking stupid

Yeah, no. Go fuck yourself with this fake humility and shit.

‘Oh wow, this one minor thing that Maple has done overcomes literal openwolfing, so Intensify/Light are lockscum’

i do think you’re mafia and i don’t think you’re stupid
i think you were feigning the stupidity in order to get us to kill within the inactive people, which did work until now

Congrats! You’re fucking stupid.

Actually? You know what?

I’m willing to hammer Intensify to show you how stupid you are.

Yeah I know Dat
I’m sorry

Hey lets cool it. Take a break if ur angry! Thats ya 1 warning!
