[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

21 and a half or so

Why are you upset lol

Its just a game

Good enough


Iā€™m on mobile by the way

I donā€™t make cases on mobile, generally

oh right, yeah. I was thinking the inverse, because as you said, I didnā€™t read what you wrote. Maple hammered Illwei and Shurian, and didnā€™t vote on Derps. Several of us (including myself) asked Arctic to hammer Derps to reset the phase change, so idk how to read that one specifically.

ok, thatā€™s interesting and Iā€™m taking it into consideration.
Iā€™m also still taking into consideration a world where youā€™re still scum and not town, just to make sure Iā€™m considering everything.

The one question I have about the strategy of leaving the people most capable of defending themselves as v in the game is whether theyā€™re also the people most capable of defending themselves as v when theyā€™re actually scum.

Typically they are, yes.

So, if you flip, I think itā€™s close to impossible to lose unless Arc and/or Wind has been big braining us.
I also know you have seen this in the 3 person PoE removing Arc and Wind.

Iā€™m not ever giving up here and I promise you this.

I think you have doubts on me due to my giving up and I cannot blame that.
Please believe in me Maple. I know Iā€™ve been bad at defending myself before but I wonā€™t allow myself to do anything but my best.

Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Maple Intensify, Eli 2/4
Intensify WindwardAway, Arctic 2/4

Ping me if any of this is incorrect

I gotta think on this for a while longer

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at any rate Iā€™m somewhat convinced Arctic/Light are v/w because of their interaction, but not 100% on it.
does anyone else want to comment on todayā€™s interactions?cause Iā€™m thinking we should be looking there for info.

Iā€™d love for you to actually make a case on it rather than just throwing it out there. Right now, the last thing we need is random confusion.

ok, how about because you just pointed out Arcticā€™s daily votes despite towncoring him, or am I just misunderstanding the purpose of that?

if iā€™ve misunderstood you so many times within the span of 24 h though, i should honestly stop reading you, like, at all.


Reasons Maple is a villager:

  1. EoD1 was villagery. Other than d1, every day we have had consensus wagons. There has been very little disagreement about who we should kill on each day. D1 is the only exception. On d1, I voted off of the main two wagons, following eevee. At the time of my vote swap, it was 3-2-1 [wind,marl,pkr] into 2-2-2 [wind,marl,pkr]. Objectively speaking, this put the wolves into a worse position, as the main wagon was reduced. My rational for switching EoD1: I was highly confident that eevee was a villager, so I planned on wagoning wherever he ended up. We went from Marl->PKR as a pair, which could be seen as nagl, but think about it strategically: My best bet for having the day end well for my team as a wolf is with a villager kill. If I am on Marl or PKR our odds become worse. If I am on Wind, our odds become better. Therefore, I did not powerwolf. Beyond that, I also did not bus: I stayed neutrally off wagon. This is >rand villager behaviour, as it shows I had 0 stakes in the EoD outside of voting people who I thought could possibly be mafia.

  2. I have been open with my pushes, and unapologetic when wrong. I have played with 0 eye for self-preservation. Aside from this post now, I believe I have made no defenses. I have simply found villagers, and pushed people who I believe to be wolfy. If you analyze my play, start to finish, I have not been pro-wolf. I have not been anti-town. I have simply just been. I cleared Wind early (thinking they donā€™t bus, they voted marl, had good eod). I cleared arctic (good reaction to pressure, active and villagery presence). I cleared eevee (his play around the claims was villagery, his eod was villagery, he facilitaed the Marl wagon and then went offwagon and didnā€™t seem to care). You and Min were obviously PRs. Between all of these factors, I have had auto for days. I just need to kill the players in my PoE and eventually either we win or Iā€™m wrong. Simply put, it can be easily seen that I have no agenda. Do you, then, believe me to be with Wind? Or Arctic? If yes, Fair Enough. Other than those two, I have defended no one and have been ~okay just chopping down the PoE each day.

  3. My play with regards to claims was supremely villagery. You may not have liked it. Others might have found it annoying, or throwy, or anything else. However the fact remains: we got 2 saves this game. eevee died over the real joats. These things are only possible because, when things went south d1, PR cover was given by eevee and I. Obviously, I have a good eye for mechanics. I believe this much is clear, and it isnā€™t some ā€œself-meta WIFOMā€ that you can really dismiss. So, then, with how this game has gone, I believe its very clear to see that I, someone quite good and experienced with these sorts of setups, would be completely unable to be mafia here. Simply put, that we got two saves shows just how inexperienced or unfocused the wolves have been. In general, I can never be among them or on their team.

This game has been short. Nothing has really happened for the past 3000~ish posts. We had a good d1, we had a lot of clears. We had two night saves. End of the day, we have been slowly but surely chopping down players with very little going for them, players who in a couple cases (lol) refused to really try and let themselves die. Itā€™s unfortunate. I would have preferred more to chew on, more to do. But it is what it is.

Ultimately, you are confirmed town. This is likely your last day alive. In the end, you have to choose who dies and its up to us to let you do that. Itā€™s your right as the person who happened to role confirmed villager.

If you choose me to die, Fair Enough.

If not, letā€™s talk.



I was pointing out that your reasoning was flawed, and/or you were drawing incorrect conclusions from it.

Did you expect me to go ā€œOh, so you said something but your actions donā€™t match up with what youā€™re sayingā€¦ oh well.ā€?

all right, I can buy that as an honest reason.

Iā€™m trying to parse through mapleā€™s post atm instead. itā€™s well elaborated, but itā€™s still a lot of ā€œsee, I canā€™t be a wolf because Iā€™m too aware of the threadā€ which I honestly still donā€™t like.

Eli, thoughts? It doesnā€™t look like your opinion changed after Mapleā€™s post, but I want to actually check.

Towncasing oneself as town or scum is usually pointless tbh