[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

I am just now seeing the sample role PMs and was operating under the assumption that the joat ability sets were closed information



These joats are shit lol

Can people please stop spewing themselves not-JoAT? Christ itā€™s annoying.

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btw this is why I just think I should really vote myself because you guys are finding my tone scummy when it shouldnā€™t be. but I already did my self-vote thing and unvoted. I have close to 0% confidence in my reads right now and I actually think itā€™s mostly town whoā€™s voting me and not scum, so thatā€™s also not much of a help.

Iā€™m dying either way tonight so Iā€™m just gonna claim doctor joat

flavors kyoko btw

So people stop asking and bothering me over it

I already said itā€™s basicly 13er with 2 named townies.

I donā€™t even care that min claimed one of them day 1.

Hardclaim VT

your move wolves

Also min already outed me as second joat, so likeā€¦


If you vote me eevee Iā€™m omgusing you

this is what I thought as well, because itā€™s the only one that proves them as a town JoaT, unless they get roleblocked when they neighborize.

btw. @min

That was terrible


I know I said itā€™s advantageous to claim JoaT either way, but at this point I feel like it wouldā€™ve been better for everyone to claim VT instead because claiming here has done absolutely nothing for town.

Wonderful, two claimed joats out ofā€¦ lemme checkā€¦ three joats! Christ.

Sure, one of them is lying. But thatā€™s okay. Or maybe theyā€™re scum JoAT. Who knows?

I want 3rd to claim too :^)

Yeah third should claim make it equal

I can fill the gap and claim JoaT and then you can all vote me for being scum :ā€™ )