[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

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Wait did Wind claim Joat as well?

What was there to miss? lol

You quoted a few posts and said ā€œthis guyā€™s a wolfā€. Why are you OMGUsing me?

maple is claiming joat for a reason



no lol


idk but tbh I canā€™t even be arsed at this point. I actually do think we vote amongst the JoaT claims here because unlike in the 9er, we donā€™t lose much if we ML a JoaT.

I just want to kill eli because heā€™s scum so hard to me

Yeah, I slipped my real role and i figured wolves wouldnt believe my vt claim

sad days bois

Min. There is literally mechanical proof that Eevee, you or Maple is lying. Why do you want to vote Eli!

Becouse there is also mechanical proof that there is 3 scum in the game.

You I swear

ā€œWow, newbies arenā€™t going to be good at the game? LAWLā€

if maple claimed JoaT as town, as a strategy to convince the wolves that theyā€™re JoaT, they wouldve done a better job of it and accused one of you or Eevee instead of just going ā€œI donā€™t know which one is fakeā€.

if theyā€™re trying to get wolves to vote on them, so be it, but Iā€™m also voting on them. I donā€™t like their strategy.

thereā€™s a 1/2 chance that we make the wrong choice and yeet a real joat

its better to just let things resolve in the night, since wovles are gonna be shooting joats

this is the way

also min, why are you defending Maple if they just counterclaimed you?

Theyā€™re baiting to see what wolves jump on them immediately Iā€™m p sure

Because I know maples claim isnā€™t real

all the more reason to vote them



Ok soā€¦

You want to convince me one of these Joat claims is town, and is hoping for wolves to jump onto one of them? Even though a perfectly sane townie could also do the same?