[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

how’s about no

I can’t speak for PKR because I have him as a townread, but I can speak for myself and say I literally came home after a very long doctor’s appointment so that’s as much of an excuse as I have. It’s NAI but I really do apologize if this somehow screwed up the discussion and I’m trying to catch up.

Eevee, I know I’ve been on you but this is a bit ridiculous.

Why are people voting him? I thought it was between Marl and me.

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Exciting eod

And you still are to add to this.

Been fun lads

can we kill within wind/marl

So long space cowboy

I literally voted you for RVS.
Not my fault that you didn’t improve much.

I expect better coming forth.

This reminds me of the tos days

At least we won’t sleep without maj lol

My last will:

Kick PKR, trust Shurian.


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My mom literally won’t leave me alone at this point so just vote me out and deal with Marl tomorrow please

Fine but if I’m right you vote pkr tomorrow

I hate living at home

/vote pkr


I’m a claimed joat, you bumfuzzle.

/vote Marl
how’s about no

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I didn’t see that >.>

i hope y’all kill wind tomorrow if we kill marl and he flips v since there is almost no way wind and marl are v/v

remember this

same goes for marl if we kill wind and wind flips v