[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

Fun fact.

I voted against.

oh well, the day ends on saturday, right? we have plenty of time to discuss before placing final votes, I think.

Eliā€¦ you are terrible with claims. Ngl.



poe is light, shurian, derps, illwei

light and illwei arenā€™t w/w i think

If eli is claiming blocked on a feedback action, that means I got a save.

Docd Min last night, so theyā€™re confirmed.

lol maple

Iā€™m not exactly sure I can see Derps being scum with Marl. Both of them had their votes on me until I gave Derps my reason for scumleaning on Marl, and Derps retracted his vote on me and said I might be town. Didnā€™t look too scummy to me.

Well it means wolves know that the Neighbor action likely failed lol

But it gives us a mech confirmed so it is what it is

Maple could you likeā€¦ give me a reason to believe youā€™re town?

iā€™d much rather kill in illwei/shurian

Iā€™m a claimed PR

If thats not enough, me unvoting the main wagon put Marl in range of being hammered yesterday

lol so min confirms eevee, and maple counterclaims and confirms min, but it honestly wouldā€™ve made more sense for maple to also confirm eevee, wouldnā€™t it?

Not worth discussing


itā€™s only worth discussing because there are a lot of people scumreading you at the moment.

btw are you still scumreading me after Marlā€™s flip?

Why were you pushing Wind yesterday though? I think Arc and some others gave some reasoning for why, but I have no idea what your intentions were

No, but my EoD may or may not be mechanically incorrect to talk about right now

@eevee thoughts?

I gave a plethora of reasons. Is your not know simply laziness or something else?

Iā€™m not entirely sure what you mean but ok, Iā€™ll leave it to Eevee, min and Eli to figure out and see where that goes.