[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

We? no. Me? ehhhh I guess kinda.

Thatā€™s a good point I guess. the other thing is, of course Joat B canā€™t heal themselves, but a real Joat B could protect a fake Joat B. something I didnā€™t think of until now.

The reason I cleared Arctic was because he was going on tangents I dont think scum would do that confidently (or implicate Marl in the first place)

Also I donā€™t know why yaā€™ll are talking about JOATs because I completely disregarded all info about JOATs because I dont really have a need to know who is who.

Donā€™t go too much of a tinfoil here. Iā€™m more than certain the Town JOATs and mafia in question know exactly what happened. Theories make it more confusing for us normal plebians

I guess I need to be convinced more as to why trying so hard to identify the real JoaT B is a priority for scum, unless itā€™s specifically because they want the neighborizer out.

this is something I said in my insanely long and confusing post, and I also said that the real JoaT B basically has no motivation to protect the fake one.

Will knowing what happened in the JOAT fiesta/ Night Kill help? Personally I dont see any benefits besides identifying who is who

Those with TMI would be found out thoā€¦

I mean the only reason I can think of is that they might consider Jailkeep as a very hard counter to them?

Yeah, hence why I said something along the lines of ā€œIā€™m done arguing about this, itā€™s pointlessā€


well, scum already knows who their kill failed on, or who they roleblocked. itā€™s only town that doesnā€™t know so I see no point in bluffing about it. Either way, we know that JoaT A is out of healing actions now, but JoaT B is not.

Might be useful when not isolated, as anything can be, but right now, with nothing else, this is a pretty unimportant as potentially hurtful argument ig.

?? bluffing? about? what? /confusion/

also are the Joatā€™s 1shots of each? I guess I gotta go cheeccck the rulless againnnn

So theoritically, if they know who both Joat Bs are, and who is fake and who is notā€¦ then wouldnā€™t they just FK the real Joat B?

I mean Maple said they healed min, min said they healed Eevee. Whatā€™s the point, since scum knows exactly who was healed?

Eli claims he was roleblocked. If heā€™s bluffing and was not roleblocked, 1. scum would know that, and 2. how does that benefit town in the first place? So I have reason to believe he was telling the truth if heā€™s town.

yes town JoaTs are 1-shot of each but mafia JoaT is unlimited as long as each unique action is used once before looping around and choosing the same action again.

I would place my bet that theyā€™ll do it tonight unless theyā€™re going to throw shade on them instead.

Laughs in impossible

Good point. Iā€™m trusting Min on this though, and still have bad feelings about Maple. Thereā€™s only so much chaos until itā€™s detrimental, if they were the one saying that Chaos is beneficial to town.

So okay I was thinking that it wouldnā€™t- but Joat B canā€™t be protected now, right? so, Eli might be dead next cycle. Unless they think that the Joats arenā€™t that important, because they only have one shot. idk.

I mean if real Joat B does not die tonight, weā€™re either facing against some idiots or galaxy brain scum players

In b4 JOAT B is the galaxy brain player and has not claimed


Thatā€™s gonna give me some sort of ToL war flashbacks then

me, paranoid that Eevee and Min are actually scum