[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

that is indeed my point.

yeah, that’s why I didn’t like Maple’s slot and kept bouncing it up and down wildly on my readlist. But Maple essentially confirmed min as town by claiming as they did, and I think I can trust Eevee’s read on Maple because he’s been playing along with it, and I have no reason right now to think that Eevee could be scum.

I personally don’t think the JoaTs are important for that reason. The most important thing that JoaT B can do is neighborize to prove themself, but I’m strongly guessing it got RB’d unless Eli thought in advance to waste a voyeur action instead. Even still, if Eli neighborizes tonight to prove himself, he gets killed anyway and flips town. So that’s not really helpful anymore. He can jailkeep and hope that it protects someone, however, because he knows the mafia JoaT already used the roleblock and can’t choose it again until N4.

There’s also this whole option that Eli wasn’t roleblocked and he’s actually scum, trying to get conf’d joat. In that case the real Joat B wouldn’t come out and say anything, and no one would be willing to vote against Eli

Yo if that’s the case, Neighborize me! we can be friends! and I can get the message out!

honestly I’d love to believe that none of the JoaTs have claimed, but due to the nature of the claiming, and because we have a successful protect, and a roleblock claim (because honestly, who would shoot in the dark and claim to be roleblocked as VT if scum already knows if and whom they roleblocked?), nothing at all leads me to think the town JoaTs aren’t among the ones who openly claimed.

Yes, and this is exactly why I said either Eli is town JoaT, or Eli is scum. He can’t be VT.

now this of course opens it up to the possibility that someone next cycle *couch* Maple *couch*` is going to come out and say that B neighborized them, and that we should vote them :P. /s


What is our poe rn?

The logical move for JoaT B was definitely to neighborize N1, and if nobody has hard confirmed the neighborizer, it probably hasn’t happened.

The other thing about it is that if someone claims to be neighborized after JoaT B dies, it’s kind of likely to be a fake claim as then JoaT B can’t confirm it.

So as long as there are no neighborizing claims while JoaT B is alive, I would consider them invalid.

idk about everyone else but I have Derps, PKR and Illwei on my list.
Shurian mentioned wanting PKR and Derps to give more content.
Arctic definitely mentioned Illwei and Derps, and then he said PKR would be spewed town from Marl’s posts, but Shurian said it could be a fake townspew.


We don’t need to have some big brain tinfoils

There’s no nightkill

Someone had to of prevented mafia kill

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Bastard Joat NK?

we got that far, yes

Just ignore everything Marl said and it should be easier to read that way
Im finishing lunch so Imma have to go now :frowning:
Gl and Merry Xmas

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I’m sorcerer joat

that’s what I’m doing. I’ve ignored the dartboard and PKR is on my list of “people who weren’t there when Eli claimed JoaT and are therefore not cleared”.

or technically, I have not ignored the dartboard because I’ve said numerous times that I’d like to ignore it.

therefore, I am giving it attention. : P

I don’t think you can just… ignore what Marl said… but ok

Anyways I’m probably gonna go to bed now, so seeya nerds tomorrow


I’m gonna hop off to play a bit of Cyberpunk before I head to bed, but I’ll be back tomorrow! good night!

Merry Christmas, all. I do suppose I should actually start putting in some effort… sounds lame, though.

Merry Christmas all.

I apologise about going quiet, honestly, I just feel that my motivate from the game has been kinda shot. I wasn’t around for when everyone started to claim JOAT (Except Min), I was around with the worst timing at EoD and all of the townreads on me have devolved to a global PoE.

It just feels demotivating, since basically, although I had a really good start, it’s as if I feel just trapped. EoD yesterday was stressful and here we are now.

I will keep going the best I can really

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I wasnt around too

Blame Marl, only those present at EOD will be able to read you properly with the proper information.

I dont know when Marl stated those messages involving you, did he name you while you were typing or something? Doesn’t look like it tbh.

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Also reading EOD yesterday was actually kinda fun XD