[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

You’re a new player?

Who joined in 2017?

I feel like I’m gonna ISO Shurian because I haven’t been getting good feelings at all throughout the game.

yeah, Shurian’s not new, I saw it mentioned before. I think they came back after a break, though.

oh no now you’re scum because you’re trying to solve things after previously doing nothing and giving up!!!11

this was your logic on wind



lol gottem
make sure to fault them for ISOing, just for good measure

jk but yes please, Illwei, do the thing

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Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Illwei ArcticXI, Min, Shurian 3/7
PokemonKidRyan SirDerpsAlot 1/7
SirDerpsAlot WindwardAway 1/7
Min Intensify 1/7
Maple Illwei 1/7

Ping me if this is incorrect

I mean, yeah, I’m not too surprised I’m at less posts.
At this point I really don’t know what to think.

We have got a relatively solid towncore and unless we super royally fuck things up, we can’t lose.
So idk what you want from me honestly :expressionless:

PKR, since you’re here, what’s your current PoE?

Quote for me where I said something along the lines of “I’m already dead, /vote Illwei, might as well, there’s no convincing people I’m not scum”
then show me an example of doing that very shortly into the day.
And then show an example of my attude 180ing into something else.

My attitude right now, and wind’s last cycle are very different.

Let’s see… Well, it’s everyone who’s not a JOAT. (Everyone but Min, Eli)

In all seriousness, I feel like we’ve sorta melded with each other a few times, so I think you’re fine.

Eevee is just being eevee, I have no idea what it says about them as a player but apparently they were attacked so they’re not in scum territory due to that.

Idk how to feel about lllwei. I don’t particularly want to wagon them today.

My gut says Maple might be maf but if I’m wrong, I know they’re going to absolutely drive it home to me next game since we have a lot of past stuff.

why not?

Because I don’t think you’re scum? But I’ve felt lost and basically like we cannot lose anyway so I’m letting others more confirmed than myself lead so that I’m not blamed for pushing the wrong people like I know would happen if I decided to step forth.

What do you think about the others’ arguments?

I think they’re wrong? I need to quote them honestly to pick them apart in detail but I swear that if I’m wrong and you’re not town, then I’m literally going to give up this game.

me: *waiting for wind to post bc I keep seeing them typing*

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So… I did a thing.

Last 8 Vote Counts of D1

VC 1

VC 2

VC 3

VC 4

VC 5

VC 6

VC 7

VC 8 (final)

Note that VC 1 is before EoD, and the rest are part of the EoD VC.

People who did not vote within the last 8 VCs:

Light, Intensify, Illwei

Vote sequence for the last 8 VCs:

Marl - Wind, Wind, Wind, Wind, Wind, Wind, Wind, Wind
Arctic - Wind, Wind, Wind, Wind, Wind, Wind, Wind, Marl
Min - Eli, Eli, Marl, Marl, Marl, Marl, Marl, Marl
Shurian - Eli, unvote, unvote, unvote, unvote, unvote, unvote, unvote
Derps - unvote, unvote, Light, Light, Light, Light, Light, Light
Eevee - Eli, Eli, Marl, Marl, Marl, Marl, PKR, PKR
Maple - Eli, Eli, Wind, Marl, Marl, Wind, Wind, PKR
PKR - Eevee, Eevee, Eevee, Eevee, Eevee, Eevee, Eevee, Eevee
Eli - Maple, Maple, Maple, Maple, Maple, Maple, Maple, Marl
Wind - Eli, Eli, unvote, unvote, Marl, Marl, Marl, Marl

Arctic had both Wind and Marl in his PoE for D1.
Shurian claimed they voted Eli only as a reaction test; this means they essentially didn’t vote.
Derps unvoted from Wind, then voted Light and said he didn’t scumread Light but that he was underwhelming.
Maple mostly followed Eevee’s lead, by the looks of it, except for their scumread on Wind.
PKR didn’t realize Eevee was a PR claim, was mostly afk and came back during EoD when he was being wagoned. I don’t see an unvote from him, but maybe it got missed.
Marl was the only one to consistently vote Wind, distancing from their teammates by voting.

Q: How does this help us?
A: It probably doesn’t lol I just didn’t know what else to do

But if anyone’s good at reading people based on wagonomics then please do so.

There’s a large variety of posts by Arctic on lllwei, no, they’re not just one post, many other ones.
The repetition of “vote lllwei” without fully explaining it for a good while got really draining fast.
I feel like the reasons for scumreading lllwei are a bit weak. lllwei did have some weird logic, but, they’re still going and trying. Even when misinterpretations are happening.

There are more Arctic posts and I can go into them on this topic but honestly I got most of the actual content on them for this wagon and it just felt flat.

Min, I goddamn love them as a friend. They’re great. I also have been told by others how good Min is as a player (although I’ve not really had a big chance to go against them in FM (Hopefully one day I will). Their ISO is really really long. All I can say is, I think Min just has a PoE and went for who they think is scummiest amongst them which is a really understandable thing, but, I think they need to look at the context which you post in as sometimes you can say things, that without context would be much scummier than they are.

Shuri’s a wildcard. Like, no matter what I say, they’re not predictable. If you want me to dive and directly discuss against them I will but when Shuri sets their mind to something it’s hard to change it.


I think I unvoted but honestly with my mental state when being wagoned, I cannot guarantee fuck all lol

it’s ok lol, I was having a hard time keeping track of people’s votes as I was on mobile, and it wouldn’t have made a difference yeet-wise whether you’d left your vote or unvoted at that point.

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