[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!


what the fuck


you fool
you can’t self-hammer yet

I’m waiting for him to do things today. I usually play somewhat passive, until I see an opportunity to attack.

Like a large cat

1 Like

please lolcat thank

Self vote and ate

so if Shurian flips scum are we supposed to assume this means PKR is clear? because that seems like a very weird assumption with no grounds.

Not gonna lie the only two fol memes I know are self vote and ate, and boxed in

I need to learn


If wolf, wifom

If PKR is clear then…

Who would be Shurian’s scum partner theoretically?




If pkr v probably light

You forgot the trees. Never forget the trees. They will find you and they will stop you

shurian going into anti-spew i think

yeah and this is what I’m leaning toward

but i want a little more time to think so I unvoted to avoid a hammer

plus Shurian isn’t giving much content right now to back up their reads.

I seriously think I should be voted out at this point in time

Think about it

shurian literally openwolfing legitmatley

they said gl
this is them saying GL to their partner

Its been fun so far tho yall

I’m really growing on the forum software

Will prob play more games here, unfortunately for yall :pensive:


Vote Count

Vote Target Voted By Votes
Shurian ArcticXI, Min, Intensify, Shurian 4/6
Maple Light 1/6
SirDerpsAlot PokemonKidRyan 1/6

Please ping me if I missed any votes

My reads never have real content.
All of them are based on the stupidest of reasons really.