[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!


I guess we’re forced to hammer pretty much…

So when’s an acceptable time to hammer and fix our EoD time?

I’d personally say to let them go because lolscummybehavior and ISO Maple instead, but I don’t think you’re going to find much against Maple that can’t be used in either direction, which still irks me. An ISO on Maple is virtually useless. I see no point in ISOing Derps because he’s so completely unaware of the thread that it says enough about him. Maybe you want to ISO PKR, though, just to see if we’re missing something?

Maybe around the original EoD time? But I’m a bit concerned we won’t get enough people to wagon Derps by then and it will end up with Maple hammering at a weird time again. So we should just not hammer until we have two who aren’t Maple who are both online and willing to vote last at the same time.

This is getting too complicated smh.

actually, where is PKR? I want him here to give an opinion, too, regardless of whether he’s town or scum.

Could ISO Maple, but I’d rather just look through it instead of commenting and analyzing everything, cause it’s still mostly floof. And Maple is like top poster or some crap I believe with like 400 posts. Not sure if I have the will to sit through fluff and like a little bit of actual content and actually write and analyze that crap.

If Maple hammers, I’m just gonna say they’re practically openwolfing at that point.

I’d say they’ve been openwolfing the entire game and the question is just a matter of whether they’re town or not lol.

I also find notable how Derps said my case on Maple is basically bullshit.

I said I don’t care about it atm

Also @EliThePsycho why Am I scum

Look, I hate to point out the obvious but this is a damn lie.
Shuri felt frustration like I did and like lllwei also seemed to feel before.

Shuri never openwolfed. In fact, she actually self voted because she had had enough, which is a sign on these forums… even memeingly that they were innocent imo.

Can you stop throwing shade incorrectly onto the dead when it’s the fault of the living for yet another mislynch? Or do you just not care because you’re scum?

Not sure how I am throwing shade onto the dead considering both of you were living out some sort of pain-inducing world while at the same time enjoying it and also begging for your lives?

Also Shurian literally tried to self vote in an attempt to hammer herself or atleast that’s what it looked like

I’m just seeing it as NAI because someone said my self-vote D1 looked wolfy rather than towny, so I don’t really think it matters whether anyone self-votes or not tbh.

What the fuck is this

for those who are wondering
i jailkept min last night

which part are you referring to

just going back to this super old post
should I take this to mean that Eevee didn’t want to remove Intensify or Light immediately, and would have had them in PoE? or is this list too outdated to consider?

also, can we get a vote count please?

Eevee and Min were playing 1-by-1 removals.

Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Maple Light 1/5
PokemonKidRyan ArcticXI, Min 2/5
WindwardAway SirDerpsAlot 1/5
SirDerpsAlot WindwardAway 1/5

Ping me for any wrong votes


Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Maple Light 1/5
PokemonKidRyan ArcticXI 1/5
WindwardAway SirDerpsAlot 1/5
SirDerpsAlot WindwardAway 1/5

Ping me for any wrong votes